
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


This paper in Anhui University International Education Institute of South Korea, leaving Mr. as the research object, through process questionnaire investigation and individual interview method, know them in Chinese character learning motivation, learning strategy, learning ability and other aspects. On the basis of coherent data analysis of Korean students to learn the fundamental characteristics of Chinese characters, this basically is, countermeasures and suggestions for the teaching of positive supply of Han Chinese characters. This paper is divided into five parts: the first chapter is the introduction, introduce the important research papers, this paper research goal, significance and research methods. The second chapter introduces the research status of important from six aspects open statement: 1, Chinese learning motivation of the relevant research; 2, Chinese character learning strategies the relevant research; 3, learn Chinese characters partial error coherent discussion; 4, learn Chinese characters to the relevant research; 5, learn Chinese characters query visit the relevant research; 6, the South Korean left Mr. Kanji learning relevant research. The third chapter and the fourth chapter is the key section of this article. The third chapter take quantitative and qualitative analysis, the United way, through questionnaire inquiry investigation and individual interview to South Korea left Mr. learn Chinese characters idea, strategy, has characters can, on the existing teaching materials and teaching methods, satisfaction aspects stopped meticulous analysis. The fourth chapter for Korean students studying Chinese learning achievements put forward certain suggestions, important contains teaching students according to their aptitude, created the Chinese characters learning interest and lure. The selection and application of high efficiency of learning strategy, targeted progress the Chinese characters, and so on. The fifth chapter is the conclusion. The important points of the indecent stop are summed up, this paper points out the deficiency and the future to bias.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4-5   第一章 绪论   8-11       1.1 选题缘由   8-9       1.2 探讨目的及意义   9       1.3 探讨措施   9-11   第二章 探讨近况   11-16       2.1 汉字学习动机的相关探讨   11-12       2.2 汉字学习策略的相关探讨   12-13       2.3 汉字习得偏误的相关探讨   13       2.4 汉字能力的相关探讨   13-14       2.5 汉字学习调查的相关探讨   14-15       2.6 韩国留学生汉字学习的相关探讨   15-16   第三章 韩国留学生汉字学习情况的调查与略论   16-30       3.1 韩国留学生汉字学习情况的调查   16-17           3.1.1 对于韩国留学生汉字学习情况的问卷设计   16           3.1.2 针对韩国留学生的跟踪访谈   16-17       3.2 韩国留学生汉字学习情况的略论   17-27           3.2.1 个人信息部分   17-18           3.2.2 学习动机的调查与略论   18-19           3.2.3 学习措施和策略的调查与略论   19-24           3.2.4 已具备的汉字能力的调查与略论   24-27           3.2.5 对教材和教学方式的满意度等的调查与略论   27       3.3 个案略论   27-30           3.3.1 学习背景调查   28           3.3.2 学习策略的调查   28-30   第四章 对韩留学生汉字教学的思考与建议   30-34       4.1 韩国留学生汉字学习中存在的问题   30-31       4.2 对韩国留学生汉字教学的对策与建议   31-34   第五章 结语   34-35   附录1:对于汉字学习情况的调查问卷   35-41   附录2:访谈摘要   41-42   参考文献   42-45   致谢   45  
