
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The women's liberation struggle chapeau is obtained from the beginning of political power, and right to vote has been an important purpose of women's activities in the tide of. Women are involved in the level and degree of political elections, especially the level and the level of women's involvement in the political election, which is the main mark of the main political development of the society. The successful experience of foreign women in high level political election is a great success. It is necessary to study foreign women in high level political elections. It is a major content of the construction of socialist political civilization to enhance the political participation of women in our country. It is the key point to improve the level of women's participation in political elections. Based on this paper from foreign women in the intervention high-level political elections the theory on which it is based and the actual according to begin, to 2012 Han Guopu hye and 2010 Brazil's dilma Rousseff's victory in presidential election process as a case study, attributed to a foreign participation of women in high-level political elections the successful experience, and then summed up involved in the high-level political election inspired the women in our country. This paper is divided into five major parts: the first part is the introduction. The important departments of the research origin and significance of the topic has carried on the elaboration, on domestic and foreign relevant research status review and evaluation and detailed introduces the research ideas and methods and the innovation and deficiency, initially the focus concept defined. The second sector is the practical basis and actual basis of foreign women in the high level political elections. The Department first discusses Marx's theory of women's restraint and the positive view of the Oriental feminism, which lays a foundation for the study of foreign women in the political election. And then to foreign women in the high level political elections to stop the practical analysis, political multi polarization and economic globalization, the growth of International Women's activities, the impact of the United Nations and promote the role of women and women's self comprehensive nature of the basic. Third case studies. The Department in 2012 2010 in Brazil and South Korea Park Geun hye ran for president Dilma Rousseff victory as a case study. Separately discussed in South Korea president election system and park Geun hye's victory over the course of the campaign, and Brazil's presidential election rail system and dilma, MS Rousseff's presidential campaign. Specific discussion of two female presidential candidates in the election campaign ideas, abstract design and campaign campaign, and the campaign to restore the whole process of the two presidential campaign. Initially to the case study, the analysis of the Pu Jinhui and Dilma Rousseff wins the election of the personality characteristics, they have a good personal essence, rich experience in politics and a superior strategy. The fourth sector is the experience of foreign women in the high level political elections. Set out from the special case of South Korea Park Geun hye and Brazil dilma Rousseff, summarized the foreign participation of women in high-level political election of common experience, from special to general familiar discipline. The four major experiences of foreign women's involvement in the high level political elections are: policy and regulations provide useful guarantee; women's organizations exert positive influence; the atmosphere of gender culture of men and women is influenced by the atmosphere, and the influence of the individual essence of women is higher. The fifth section is the inspiration of the women's involvement in the high level political elections in our country. According to foreign experiences, we should improve the mechanism of the promotion and appointment of women in the United States. In the first part of the paper, the research of this thesis is summarized, and the development trend of this subject is stopped.

