
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Vocabulary teaching is an important part of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, idiom is the Chinese lexical system is the most characteristic of the part. In foreign language vocabulary teaching and idiom teaching if can smoothly open is a very tricky is waiting for us to deeply research achievements. This thesis is important in the browsing a large number of Chinese as a foreign language idiom teaching the basically. Combined with the author himself in the domestic teaching theory to stop the research. The first stop on the teaching of Chinese idioms, idioms and its meaning. Secondly, from the three elements of teaching that Sir, teaching materials to stop to explain separated, to understand the effect of teachers teaching several factors and teaching skills of teachers request in the process of teaching; through the analysis of the process, the emergence of errors that Mr. error reason; statistic and analysis of the material, in the textbook compiling process on idiom easily, notes and exercises familiar and then basically presents itself views in the preparation of teaching materials. Initially summarizes foreign and Chinese idioms teaching principle, the teaching strategy of Chinese idioms teaching put forward some opinions and suggestions, and combined with teaching theory stop coherent teaching case design, in order to make idiom teaching can perhaps more perfect more smoothly open.


中文摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   绪论   8-12       一、 选题缘由   8-9       二、 探讨综述   9-10       三、 探讨意义   10       四、 探讨措施   10-12   第一章 熟语以及熟语教学   12-18       第一节 熟语概述   12-15           一、 熟语的定义   12           二、 熟语的范围   12-14           三、 熟语的属性   14-15       第二节 熟语教学以及对外汉语的熟语教学   15-16           一、 熟语教学   15           二、 对外汉语熟语教学   15-16       第三节 对外汉语熟语教学的重要意义   16-18           一、 扩充词汇,提高交际水平   16-17           二、 了解中国丰富的文化,提高学习能力   17           三、 对外汉语熟语教学有助于提高对外汉语教学的水平   17-18   第二章 对外汉语熟语教学过程中的要素略论   18-32       第一节 对外汉语熟语教学过程中的教师要素略论   18-20           一、 教师的教学观念有待改善   18-19           二、 教师的业务素质不高   19-20       第二节 对外汉语熟语教学过程中留学生的偏误略论   20-25           一、 留学生熟语学习中的偏误类型   21-24           二、 学生出现偏误的原因略论   24-25       第三节 对外汉语熟语教学过程中的教材要素略论   25-32           一、 对外汉语教材中的熟语调查探讨与略论   25-29           二、 教材中熟语部分的不足   29-30           三、 对教材编写的建议   30-32   第三章 对外汉语熟语教学的教学准则与策略   32-44       第一节 对外汉语熟语教学的教学准则   32-33           一、 培养应用熟语进行交际的能力的准则   32           二、 充分发挥学生主动性和创造性的准则   32-33           三、 结构、功能、文化相结合的准则   33       第二节 对对外汉语熟语教学的策略和建议   33-44           一、 对教师方面的建议   34-42           二、 对学生方面的建议   42           三、 对教材方面的建议   42-44   结语   44-45   参考文献   45-47   附录   47-48   后记   48-50  
