
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


After the cold war, the Korean experience support of germination, growth and prosperity into the four stage cooling. 1995, South Korea for the first time to provide 150 thousand tons of rice in the great humanitarian support, opened the era of Korean support for North korea. 2000, the golden year night visit to the DPRK, North Korea began to stop the eve of the scope of the support of the era. 2003, Roh Moo-hyun stepped down in the north, and the use of "war", South Korea's support for North Korea also entered the era of prosperity. 2008, South Korean conservative faction on behalf of Lee Myung-bak to step down, put forward toward the abandoned nuclear, open, three of the 3000 principles, and to terminate the scope of support for the North Korean, South Korea to support the era of cooling. South Korea's support for North Korea has the following characteristics. From the point of view of the main body of the support, South Korea toward support a government led to the plain between near leading; from the category of support, South Korea towards the support by the economic support to social support; support method from the point of view, South Korea towards the support from bilateral support to double on multilateral support. Effects of South Korea to support North Korea factor is various, the most important effect of inter Korean relations, inter Korean international economic status, North Korea and the United States big country status. This article from the plain near nationalism, the eve of the country's identity, nuclear grade three aspects to discuss South Korea to support North Korea's identity, after all, remind North Korea on the support of nature. Korea International plain in speech and plain near nationalism is supported the DPRK's mind the idea, the United States, China, Japan, and other big country status is South Korea Peninsular policy of internal factors, nuclear grade is Korea support North Korea policy changes the direct reason, many factors influence each other with the composition of South Korea to support North Korea's influencing factor. Overall, South Korea's support for the amount of the amount of support for North Korea to follow the tense relationship between the two sides increased, with the importance of bilateral relations and tend to cut. When North Korea stopped its nuclear test or missile test, the South Korean authorities cut or suspend humanitarian aid to the north. This reflects the political weakness of Korea and North Korea in the exchange of dialogue and exchanges, but also reflects the instability and efficacy of South Korea's support for North korea. Support for South Korea to the north with a clear political and diplomatic goals, economic support of the ultimately goal is not complete economic growth, but to achieve political goals, the utilitarianism thought decided to South Korea on North Korea's support only to decline.

