中国电子商务市场正在处于使人注视的成长趋向,特殊是以收集购物C2C为主酿成B2C市场的成长。起首,中国花费者购置意向从价钱驱动转向办事驱动,他们对高品德和高办事的请求和希冀日趋晋升。其次,韩语毕业论文,B2C市场内持续参加多种多样的发卖商,如中国品牌、国外品牌及跨国品牌等市场范围愈来愈扩展等缘由,所以中国B2C市场迅猛成长。但B2C市场内须要竞争才能,本研究存眷“B2C办事质量”、“顾客满足度”、“顾客忠实度”和“原产地抽象”的4个主要要素,本论文制订2个研究计划。○1构建B2C办事质量丈量模子,○2B2C办事质量能否作用顾客满足度和顾客忠实度,原产地抽象能否作用B2C办事质量和顾客满足度。第一是,本研究构建针对中国B2C办事质量丈量模子,现有办事质量模子的办事身分里归结得出B2C办事质量的相干身分,但发卖商视角得出办事质量。为了晋升办事身分的信任性,本研究用Kano剖析法遴选B2C焦点办事身分。剖析成果得出了5个B2C焦点办事身分,个中4个办事是“发卖商”能掌握的;“特有性”、“保证性”、“实施性”、“回应性”,别的“平安性”是“收集购物网站”可掌握的办事身分。第二是,很多研究者提出了感知办事质量和顾客满足度及顾客忠实度有明显作用关系,本研究依据他们的实际,停止了实证剖析,得出成果B2C办事质量的5个焦点办事身分对顾客满足度都有正向作用,并且顾客满足度也是对顾客忠实度有正向作用。中国B2C市场内原产地抽象更能作用顾客满足度,本研究用品牌原产地和制作原产地来停止剖析,得出成果品牌原产地抽象在B2C办事质量与顾客满足度之间关系有中介感化。经由过程B2C办事质量丈量模子来,评价花费者感知到的B2C办事质量,然后改良顾客满足度和顾客忠实度。并且B2C市场外销售分歧国籍的产物前提,用原产地抽象可以作用B2C办事质量和顾客满足度,韩语论文题目,和建议恰当的营销战略。 Abstract: Chinese e-commerce market is the trend of people watching the growth of special is to collect the shopping C2C lead B2C market growth. First of all, Chinese consumers purchase intention to work driving from the price driven, they increasingly promoted to high quality and high service requests and hope. Secondly, the B2C market continued to participate in various vendors, such as China brands, foreign brands and international brands such as the market scope is more and more extended and other reasons, so Chinese rapid growth of B2C market. But the B2C market competition need to pay close attention to this research, "B2C service quality", "customer satisfaction" and "customer loyalty" and "the origin of the abstract" the 4 main factors, this paper established 2 research plan. 101 1 construction of B2C service quality measurement model, 101 2b2c service quality can influence customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, the origin of the abstraction can influence B2C service quality and customer satisfaction. First, this study builds on China B2C service quality measurement model, coherent identity of the existing service quality service in the mold identity attributed the B2C service quality, but the seller perspective that the quality of service. In order to trust business promotion factors, this study used Kano analysis method to select B2C services as the focus. Analysis results obtained 5 focal B2C service identity, medium 4 work is "seller" can grasp the; "unique", "to ensure" and "implementation", "response", the other "safe" is "is a collection of shopping website" master service identity. Second, many researchers proposed meet the perceived service quality and customer satisfaction and customer loyalty have significant effect relationship, this study based on their actual and carried on the empirical analysis, results obtained B2C service quality five focus work identity on customer satisfy degree has a positive effect, and customer satisfaction is the customer loyal degree has a positive impact. In Chinese B2C market origin abstraction can affect customer satisfaction. This study used brand origin and production of origin to carry on the analysis obtained achievements brand origin abstract quality and customer satisfaction in B2C act between the degree of relationship between intermediary role. Through the process of B2C service quality measurement model, evaluation of consumers perceived B2C service quality, and improve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. B2C market sales and product premise of differences of nationality, with the origin of abstract can affect the B2C service quality and customer satisfaction, and suggest the appropriate marketing strategy. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 目录 6-8 第1章 绪论 8-13 1.1 探讨的背景和目的 8-10 1.1.1 探讨的背景 8-9 1.1.2 探讨的目的 9-10 1.2 国内外探讨近况 10-12 1.2.1 相关服务质量测量模型的国外探讨近况 10-11 1.2.2 相关服务质量测量模型的国内探讨近况 11 1.2.3 相关原产地效应的国外探讨近况 11 1.2.4 相关原产地效应的国内探讨近况 11-12 1.3 探讨思路和探讨措施 12 1.4 本章小结 12-13 第2章 相关理论概述 13-22 2.1 服务质量测量模型 13 2.2 传统服务质量 13-15 2.2.1 SERVQUAL 模型 13-14 2.2.2 R-SERVQUAL模型 14-15 2.3 网上服务质量 15-18 2.3.1 E-S-QUAL模型 15-16 2.3.2 SITEQUAL模型 16-17 2.3.3 WebQUAL 模型 17-18 2.3.4 etailQ 模型 18 2.4 原产地效应 18-19 2.5 顾客满意度 19-20 2.5.1 顾客满意度的概念 19-20 2.5.2 顾客满意度与服务质量的关系 20 2.6 顾客忠诚度 20-21 2.7 本章小结 21-22 第3章 探讨模型与探讨设计 22-30 3.1 探讨模型构建 22-23 3.2 变量选取与定义 23-28 3.2.1 B2C Servqual模型 23-26 3.2.2 顾客满意度 26-27 3.2.3 顾客忠诚度 27 3.2.4 原产地形象 27-28 3.3 探讨假设提出 28-29 3.3.1 B2C服务质量与顾客满意度 28 3.3.2 顾客满意度与顾客忠诚度 28 3.3.3 原产地形象对B2C服务质量与顾客满意度的中介效应 28-29 3.4 问卷设计 29 3.5 本章小结 29-30 第4章 数据收集与数据略论 30-39 4.1 数据收集及样本描述 30-31 4.2 变量的信度略论 31-33 4.2.1 B2C 服务质量 31-32 4.2.2 顾客满意度 32 4.2.3 顾客忠诚度 32-33 4.2.4 原产地形象 33 4.3 假设检验 33-38 4.3.1 B2C服务质量质量对顾客满意度的回归略论 33-35 4.3.2 顾客满意度对顾客忠诚度的回归略论 35 4.3.3 原产地形象的中介效应检验 35-38 4.4 本章小结 38-39 结论 39-40 参考文献 40-45 附录 45-49 致谢 49 |