
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


South Korea to teach a big country, from the whole country to individual citizens are taught abnormal value. Foreign language teaching is an important part of Korean teaching, has attracted more and more attention. Chinese foreign language teaching in junior middle school in South Korea once occupied the position of little importance. We according to take query visit analysis, literature review and practical operation method, from the aspects of teaching object, teaching goals, teaching materials and teaching measures to stop a multi angle research, discuss the Korean Middle School Chinese language teaching design of applicability and scientific to Korean School Practical Chinese teaching. The first part, introduces the selected topic reason and research target. Then, explains the research methods, research object and research status etc.. First, the innovation of the stated place. The second part mainly introduces the coherent international and foreign and teaching design teaching actual and existing academic summary of researches. At the same time, the status quo of Chinese teaching in South Korea and the resultant teaching matters the brief explanation. The third sector and the fourth part, through the process of ZTE, South Korea lower middle school Chinese classroom teaching of the reality of the situation assessment, the Chinese classroom activities and classroom factors analysis, interpretation of the identity of the effect of teaching design. The initial constitute the complete classroom teaching of thesis and detailed design in case teaching. The fifth sector and the sixth sector, the joint parenting reality Professor lasted 11 months, summarize the teaching experience and understanding. For the next sent teachers teaching to provide reference and back domestic junior middle school Chinese teaching is designed to provide guidance and suggestions. First, propose the research in present some achievements and the lack of local origin, for the future of instructional design research provides some achievements.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   目录   6-8   第一章 绪论   8-12       第一节 选题的来源和意义   8-9           一、选题的来源   8           二、选题的意义   8-9       第二节 探讨对象和探讨措施   9-11           一、探讨对象   9           二、探讨措施   9-10           三、探讨近况   10-11       第三节 本次论文的创新点   11-12   第二章 文献综述   12-18       第一节 教学设计的相关理论   12       第二节 教学设计的相关概念   12-13       第三节 对外汉语教学设计的探讨综述   13-14       第四节 韩国中学汉语教育状况与协同教学   14-18           一、韩国中学汉语教育状况简介   15-16           二、韩国汉语教育协同教学概说   16-18   第三章 教学设计略论   18-26       第一节 韩国现行教材概说   18       第二节 特定的教学对象略论   18-19       第三节 具体教材蓝本的略论   19-21           一、词汇内容分布情况略论   19-20           二、语法内容略论情况汇总   20           三、文化部分内容汇总   20-21       第四节 课时安排及教具使用   21-26           一、安养复兴初中全书的课程设置安排   21-25           二、教具的使用   25-26   第四章 具体教学设计案例   26-31   第五章 教学心得和教学反思   31-33       第一节 教学心得的总结   31           一、明确教学目标,充分了解和掌握教材,韩语论文范文,做到课堂安排心中有数   31           二、选择高效的教学措施   31       第二节 在韩国汉语教学的实习心得和体会   31-33           一、对中韩文化异同的理解   31-32           二、对韩国人的理解   32           三、对生活方面的理解   32-33   第六章 总结   33-35   参考文献   35-37   附录A   37-39   附录B   39-43   后记   43-44   个人简历   44  
