跟着以后世界列国依据全球化经济情况的疾速变更,经由过程WTO为中间的洲际性、区域性自在商业协定(Free Trade Agreement,以下简称“FTA”),增进市场开放、抢占市场份额等年夜情况下,韩国实行经济巨子与中小经济圈并举的多重FTA计谋。针对世界列国经由过程商业创汇及商业转换后果来看,韩语毕业论文,FTA对推动全球性商业来往具有必定的进献。从上述现实剖析成果来看,韩蒙FTA将对两都城会起到积极的增进感化。韩国出台计谋性、积极性、多重性三年夜互市政策准绳,保持综合性的、相符公民平易近意的准绳,与重要国度签署多重性FTA,即经由过程抢占市场效益,完成扩展商业、协作国的多重变更、控制动力等为焦点内容。同时,韩国为进步本国经济竞争力,经由过程扩展商业来推动海内市场及资本份额等商业后果,为韩国经济注入新的动力。依据比来韩国与EU、美国等经济巨子签署的FTA现实结果来看,从区域性邻接的西南亚国度之一的蒙古推动韩蒙FTA事宜是可行的。在2012年,韩国包含年夜经济圈,己与45个国度的FTA正在失效。在亚洲是独一与EFTA、美国和EU失效FTA的国度,也是FTA最为活泼的国度。特殊是,在本论文论述的韩蒙FTA推动事宜,正相符韩国当局的资本扩大计谋思惟,应赐与充足的看重。蒙古与韩国、中国、日本、俄罗斯远东地域、朝鲜,附属于西南亚六国之一,固然经济范围没法与韩国相媲美,但具有朝鲜半岛7倍的辽阔的国土,世界八年夜资本国之一的佳誉,是联络欧亚年夜路的交通关键。从今朝为止的研究申报来看,我们没法找到对于韩蒙FTA的目标及决议性身分的现实论证剖析成果。为此,本论文的剖析经由过程单元几率模子,免费韩语论文,以构造变更为冲破口,肯定2000年~2011年两国的绝对性经济范围、两邦交易现状及经济关系、经济构造、其他身分等13项,作为经济变数的组成身分,剖析韩蒙FTA的签署可行性,并依据其剖析成果,出台韩蒙FTA可行性与推动计划。 Abstract: After following countries in the world on the basis of the economic globalization, the rapid change through the process of WTO for intermediate intercontinental, regional free commercial agreement (free trade agreement, hereinafter referred to as "FTA"), promote the opening of the market, to seize market share etc. big case, South Korea to implement economic giant and small economic circle simultaneously multiple FTA strategy. For the world through the process of commercial and commercial conversion of the consequences of the process, FTA to promote global business contacts with a certain degree of. From the reality of the results of the analysis point of view, Korea and Mongolia FTA will play a positive role in promoting the two capital. Korea promulgated strategic, enthusiasm, multiplicity of three of the eve of the frontier policy criterion and maintain a comprehensive, consistent with civil plain near the meaning of principle, and important countries signed a multiplicity of FTA, namely through the process of seize market efficiency, complete expanded business and cooperation of multiple changes, control the power as the focus of the content. At the same time, South Korea to improve the competitiveness of the domestic economy, through the process of extensible business to promote the domestic market and the share of capital and commercial consequences, for the Korean economy injected new impetus. According to ratio of South Korea and the EU, the United States and other economic giants signed FTA the reality, from the adjacent to the region of West Asia country, one of the Mongolian promote Mongolia and South Korea FTA issues is feasible. In 2012, South Korea, including the eve of the economic circle, has been the failure of the FTA with 45 countries. In Asia is the only one with the EFTA, the United States and the EU failure of FTA country, is also the most active FTA country. Special is, in this paper discusses the Korean FTA to promote matters, is consistent with the South Korean government's capital to expand strategic thinking, should be given adequate attention. Mongolia and South Korea, China, Japan, Russia far east area, North Korea, attached to belong to one of the six countries of West Asia, while economies of scope not Korea law and comparable, but with seven times on the Korean Peninsula as the vast territory, one of world eight big capital their good reputation, contact the traffic key Ou Yanian road in the night. From the current research report, we can not find the results of the analysis of the reality of the target and the resolution of the Korean FTA. Therefore, the analysis through the process unit probability model, structural change for breach, certainly in 2000 to 2011 the two countries the absolute economic range, two state trading status and economic relations, economic structure, other factors such as 13, as a component element of economic variables, analysis of Mongolian and Han FTA signed feasibility and according to the analysis results, the introduction of Mongolian and Han FTA feasibility and push ahead with the plan. 目录: |