
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Speech policy is one of the representative research topics in the field of micro social speech. The national policy of spoken language includes the national general language teaching, the popularity of the scale, the cover of the dialect, the foreign language teaching and so on. Foreign policy can cause careless talk conflict, weakening of national competitiveness, so as to form a national security threat. In the process of globalization, the policy of foreign language teaching is the main influence on the development of the country and the national security. From the perspective of national security, this paper examines the Korean foreign language education policy. In this paper, the use of literature research and advanced speech strategy of joint research approach. The from the perspective of the national security, through the real process, rich, first-hand material evaluation analysis of South Korea's military, communication, plain near the foreign language education policy, and the abstracts for Chinese language education policy formulation, implementation and improvement of inspiration. Four points on the policy of military foreign language teaching. One should be formulated to national security as the aim of foreign language education policy; the second is set both to plan, implement, governance; foreign language teaching institutions, should be valued as a second or foreign language to teach, as soon as possible certainly crux of the Chinese language. There are two points in the policy of communicative foreign language teaching. One is to strengthen the second foreign language teaching; two is to implement a foreign language in order to examine the system. There are four points in the foreign language policy. One is to strengthen the second foreign language teaching should be strengthened; two is to expand the teaching of the second foreign language varieties; three is to be sure that the teaching system in the proportion of the second foreign language; four is to ensure the continuity of foreign language teaching.


致谢词   4-5   摘要   5   目录   7-8   正文   8-67   参考文献   67-71  
