
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The use of audio and video and audio and video to talk to stop teaching in recent years, more and more used in the second speech teaching theory. Korean language teaching in China also began to introduce Chinese film and television drama and other audio-visual materials to stop teaching. The actual analysis of the relevant theory and theory of research has also been a lot of people's attention. However, audiovisual language teaching practice is basically what, with the traditional teaching way compared to what are the advantages, can fill the civilization teaching lack, can significant progress, practical speaking diplomatic skills, to Mr. comprehensive Chinese to create what effect, could completely replace the traditional teaching method, which is very worthwhile for us to research achievements. In this paper, we first try to find the actual basic of the teaching of audio and visual speaking teaching from the point of view of the actual practice of the second language acquisition. Then from the second speaking teaching method of skill level recall the representative, and this paper is related to the traditional teaching method Zhi Ruo schools and ancient teaching method if the branch schools, and on the South Korean TV drama for audio-visual material speaking teaching application and research of indecent point combs. In order to have more direct and empirical research, the author of South Korea a training institutions to film and television drama Chinese lessons do a month teaching demonstration, and for Mr. lectures stop of a questionnaire survey. Theoretical research and empirical analysis of the annotations, audiovisual language teaching and the traditional teaching method of analogy has many significant advantages, can very good fill civilization teaching lack real progress Mr. speak diplomatic ability, the comprehensive Chinese in order to create a better effect, but also has its own limitations, actually cannot complete instead of the traditional teaching method. On the basis of the above research, this paper also test design for South Korea University intermediate Chinese learners in TV drama "Beijing love story" for audio-visual speech teaching plan.


致谢   4-5   摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   1 绪论   9-11       1.1 探讨意义   9-10       1.2 探讨问题   10       1.3 探讨内容   10-11   2 文献综述   11-22       2.1 相关第二语言习得理论   11-15           2.1.1 输入假说理论   11           2.1.2 输出假说理论   11-12           2.1.3 交际能力理论   12-15      海姆斯交际能力能力理论   12-14      卡纳尔和司韦恩交际能力理论   14-15       2.2 相关第二语言教学法主要流派   15-19           2.2.1 语法翻译法   15           2.2.2 直接法   15-16           2.2.3 听说法   16-17           2.2.4 交际法   17           2.2.5 视听法   17-18           2.2.6 任务型教学   18-19       2.3 视听语言教学及其在韩国汉语教学中的实践探讨   19-22   3 探讨措施   22-23       3.1 教学观摩   22       3.2 教师访谈   22       3.3 问卷调查   22-23   4 教学观摩、教师访谈与问卷调查略论   23-34       4.1 教学观摩情况   23       4.2 教师访谈记录   23-25       4.3 问卷调查结果   25-32           4.3.1 调查对象基本情况   25-27           4.3.2 对电视剧汉语课程的基本认识   27-28           4.3.3 与传统汉语课程的效果比较和提示   28-32       4.4 小结   32-34   5 教材编写与教案设计建议   34-46       5.1 电视剧选择标准和剧情背景   34-35       5.2 教材编写   35-42       5.3 教案设计   42-46           5.3.1 教学流程   42-43           5.3.2 具体教学方案举例   43-44           5.3.3 教学方案的不足   44-46   6 结论   46-48       6.1 探讨问题的回答   46       6.2 不足与展望   46-48   参考文献   48-51   附录1调查问卷   51-55   附录2北京爱情故事剧情介绍   55-58   附录3 正文中提到的教学片段中的文化介绍素材   58-60   作家简历   60  
