
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Among the traditional medicine are growing up based on their ethnic traditional civilization. The traditional civilization is derived from its date and follow up the spread of natural civilization, include ideas, clothing, speech, religion, etiquette, justice, moral standards and values. Traditional culture contains in its natural form and from country afferent and stranger, however along with the passage of time the two civilization as a whole is very difficult to find the phase. Traditional medicine is also the case. The traditional Korean medicine contains from Korea mainland and from the country after the introduction of the localization. Effect of Chinese medicine on South Korea's history of medicine is relative cannot neglect, in the process of growth in Korean medicine, from ancient times to the present Chinese medicine plays the role of the reality is there is no denying the fact. Study of Korean medical history, we can see that the traditional Korean medicine medicine in the future have a lot of growing China reception. Although South Korea is receiving a lot of medical Chinese and medical development, but all the civilizations of the occurrence, growth and spread is not having one side. Chinese medicine in Korea after its reorganization and participate in new things, in order to make it become the most consistent and actual prescription of Koreans try to stop. Chinese medicine in Korea and local experience of many processes. The history of Korean medicine is a medical history and create hard line South Korea customs. In traditional Korean medicine based on the growth of Chinese medicine to, but in the "integrated rural medicine" can be seen from the Goryeo era has been to Korea and China Customs differences the familiar with remedial measures should also be differences of. This indecent point always continue to North Korea age, from the mid North Korea South Korea medicine and Chinese medicine has complete toward different bias towards growth, most physicians of South Korea proposed rich first medical indecent point. In the thousands of years of history of medicine and the emergence of a lot of practical reason and the universe of human psychological pathology linked, and treatment of the disease has serious influence and prevention. But the actual emergence of many aspects of conflict or conflict and this argument has, in clinical and cause messy sometimes maintain a complementary relationship. In terms of Chinese and Korean medicine focus of Yin Yang and the five elements theory, in competing and complementary in practice most of the focus of the thesis is on medicine as a complement of yin or Yang actual according to the Yin and Yang of partial wins. On so far China annotates the idea of yin and Yang partial wins the medicine the eve of the body is divided into two doctrines, doctor Zhu Danxi Yin lack of Yang Deficiency on the representative of that idea Yang deficiency Yin deficiency on behalf of physicians for Zhang jiebin. At the end of the north and South Korea, Ishitani Leekei in itself the "Fu Yang theory" mentioned in, past physicians review the debate of yin and Yang in the partial victory on the draw "book of changes" and "after" truth is from Fu Yang indecent point to explain. He thought monarch fire for the person of the main fire, firelight drop make kidney water kinetic energy of spermatogenic blood wing, and Junxin fire movement of the hand to idea of Fu Yang theory. Reality, the universe of yin and Yang Eph into the emergence of one-sided or lack of, is to split it into two compared with each other and be familiar with the fault and that of "nourishing yin and suppressing yang" or "Fu Yang and Yin suppression" indecent point is not established. But the character of "Yin and Yang Yang main differences, Yin master died, so at this level should be Yang and Yin suppression. From China Zhang Jiebin and South Korea Li Guijun Yin and yang theory can be drawn, both focused on "Fuyang" this point. This paper will take the process of the two representative works by physicians to compare and identify the two physicians of the Yin and Yang indecent. In this paper, and two departments: the first part literature review of Chinese medicine was introduced to South Korea after the localization process to stop know. Then the Korean peculiar medical practical and characteristics are discussed. Second department Zhang jiebin with gyoo - Joon Lee Yin and Yang Ya compared research goal: find Zhang jiebin and gyoo - Joon Lee Yin and Yang Ya identical point and the similarities and differences between the way: West of Beijing Medical University Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Korea Central Library, Korea Research intelligence (riss) and collect literature materials. The application of literature research methods and profound reorganization between Chinese and Korean medicine characteristics, based on the actual analysis, summarizes its practical characteristics. Take practical comparison research method, to Zhang jiebin and gyoo - Joon Lee books, books and theses about their doctrine thought as intermediate, of two doctors of medicine thought background and Yin and Yang indecent stop comparative study. Conclusion: Zhang Jiebin and Li Guijun have formed with the Yin and Yang indecent time background. But on the differences between the familiar monarch fire fire. The two physicians also think Wen Yang Yang Qi of the human body for the important principle of cure, but the difference is that Zhang jiebin with kidney yin and Yang as the main focus, Li Guisuo focus with the fire of heart Yang. Zhang Jiebin said "Yang Yin is not a disadvantage, often a lack of ideas" to co-ordinate Li Guijun "idea of yin and Yang, Yang and Yin suppression", stressed Bao yang.

