
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Tonghak is emerged at the end of the 19th century South Korea stranger first a new religion, founded by Choe je-u, after the third taught grandparent and grandchild Byung hee the tonghak changed its name to Taoism. Although Dongxue Korea of today social impact is not big, but the tonghak contains rich philosophical and religious thought, the proposed "teach progenitor redress of grievances", "tonghak farmers activities", "1919 3 - 1 activities of matters in South Korean history has a certain position. The East is one of the research hotspots of the Korean community. The tonghak had strong religious color and complete ideological and practical system, the medium it the focus of thought is to Han er you day indecent and serve Han er you are peer million plain near the et al indecent. This article is divided into four major departments. First chapter is overview about the tonghak, including "Dongxue history evolution", "important people, and" donghak and Chinese traditional thought of relationship between "the second chapter analysis of Choe je-u and Cui Shiheng day indecent. Choe je-u contains "Han er you", "Shi God" "or its natural, Cui Shiheng" God "," ten no "," people "actual. The third chapter is an important analysis of the people of Cui Jiyu and Cui Shiheng. Include Cui Jiyu's "familiar theory", "moral theory", "fantasy personality", Cui Shiheng's "weaving of Korea Seoul you", "the child is Han er you", "to me" thought. The fourth chapter analyzes the Korean traditional concept of heaven and the heaven of indecent impact on Korean society. The conclusion summarizes the former four chapters, summarize the tonghak and indecent value, and pointed out that the lack of place of this study.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4-5   绪论   8-11       第一节 选题及探讨意义   8-9       第二节 探讨综述   9-11   第一章 东学简介   11-25       第一节 历史演变   11-14           一、对“东学”含义的考察   11-12           二、东学的创立背景   12-14           三、现实状况   14       第二节 主要人物   14-19           一、崔济愚   15-17           二、崔时亨   17-19           三、孙秉熙   19       第三节 东学与中国传统思想的关系   19-25           一、东学与儒教   21-22           二、东学与佛教   22-23           三、东学与道教   23-25   第二章 东学的“天”观   25-36       第一节 崔济愚的“天”观   25-31           一、对于“韩尔您”   25-26           二、侍天主   26-29           三、不然其然   29-31       第二节 崔时亨的“天”观   31-36           一、养天主   31-33           二、十毋天   33           三、事人如天   33-36   第三章 东学的“人”观   36-45       第一节 崔济愚的“人”观   36-40           一、认识论   36-37           二、道德论   37-39           三、理想人格   39-40       第二节 崔时亨的“人”观   40-45           一、织布的韩尔您   41-42           二、孩子是韩尔您   42-43           三、向我设位   43-45   第四章 东学的“天人”观   45-54       第一节 韩国天人观的脉络   45-48           一、韩国传统思想中的天人观   45-47           二、崔济愚和崔时亨的天人观   47-48       第二节 东学的天人观给韩国社会的作用   48-54           一、教祖伸冤运动   49-50           二、东学农民运动   50-52           三、1919年“三一”独立运动   52-54   结语   54-56   参考文献   56-59   致谢   59-60  
