对于韩国留先生来讲,学英雄语须要具有据说读写四方面的才能。在汉语进修中,留先生固然在平常生涯中接触最多的是听和说,但考核一个先生汉语程度才能终究照样会落到书面下去,他们须要用到的写作才能占很年夜的比例,而且进修汉语中最年夜的艰苦和妨碍也是写作。是以,汉语写作才能的造就有益于留先生综合说话才能的进步,与听力和浏览比拟,留先生广泛认为写作是一个比拟艰苦的部门,汉语写作中存在的偏误也是我们研究的一年夜主要课题。汉语程度测验(HSK)是一项国际汉语才能尺度化测验,重点考核汉语非第一说话的考生在生涯、进修和任务中运用汉语停止外交的才能。写作部门是汉语程度测验的一个重点也是难点,同时留先生进修汉语时写作部门也是轻易涌现成绩的一个主要部门。汉语写作中常考的句型有许多,个中“是”字句是较为特别的句型之一,贯串对外汉语教授教养年夜纲的一直。“是”字句句式多,功效强,是汉语中的经常使用句式。本文针对“是”字做谓语的普通句式作为剖析研究,留先生在汉语写作中“是”字句的运用频率很高,韩语论文,给留先生形成了轻易控制的外面景象,而现实上古代汉语“是”字句构造庞杂、语意多样,形成留先生汉语写作中偏误许多。本文在后人研究“是”字句偏误的基本上,对韩国留先生写作中“是”字句的偏误类型停止了体系的分类,韩语论文题目,同时对偏误发生的缘由停止了剖析,并提出了响应的教授教养对策和建议。有助于韩国留先生在汉语写作中更好的运用“是”字句削减偏误的涌现。 Abstract: On the left to Korean students, learning language needs to be said to hero in four aspects to read and write. In Chinese learning, leaving Mr. although in daily life most contact is listening and speaking, but the assessment a Mr. Chinese degree to eventually will still fall written down, they need to use writing in order to account for very big proportion, and to study in Chinese, the eve of the hardships and stand in the way of writing as well. In Chinese writing to create beneficial to leave Mr. comprehensive talk to progress, and listening and browse the match, leaving Mr. widely believed that writing is a difficult sector, Chinese writing in the presence of errors are our research on the eve of a main topic. Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) is an international standardized test to Chinese, with emphasis on the examination of Chinese non stop diplomacy can be applied to the first Chinese candidates in life, study and work in. The writing department is Chinese proficiency test is one of the key difficulties, one of the main departments at the same time students learning Chinese when writing problems of the Department is also easily. There are many sentence patterns in Chinese writing regular examination of the, "is" sentence is one of the sentences is perforative Chinese as a foreign language teaching of the eve of the gang has been. "Shi" sentence, function strong, often used in Chinese sentences. In this paper, according to the "ordinary" predicate sentence as analysis and study, students studying in Chinese writing "is" very high application frequency of the words, to leave Mr. formed easily control the outside scene, and reality of ancient Chinese "is" complex sentence structure and semantic diversity, form left Mr. Chinese writing in many errors. In this paper, in the later research "is" sentence errors and to South Korea left Mr. writing "is" sentence partial error types stopped classification system, at the same time for the reason of occurrence of errors are analyzed, and the response of the countermeasures and suggestions for teaching. Application of "help the South Korean students better in Chinese writing is" the emergence of bias cut. 目录: 论文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 第一章 引言 9-16 1.1 探讨意义和目的 10-13 1.2 取材范围和内容 13 1.3 理论基础和探讨措施 13-14 1.4 语料来源 14 1.5 探讨的不足和发展空间 14-16 第二章 “是”字句以往探讨综述 16-20 2.1 “是”字句的本体探讨 16-17 2.2 “是”字句的句法形式和语法意义 17 2.3 “是”字句偏误探讨的发展过程 17-19 2.4 “是”字句偏误的探讨近况及存在的不足 19-20 第三章 韩国留学生汉语写作中的“是”字句偏误探讨 20-26 3.1 韩国留学生汉语写作中“是”字句的出现频率调查探讨.. 20 3.2 “是”字句的偏误类型 20-22 3.3 偏误形成的原因 22-26 第四章 针对“是”字句偏误略论采取哪些教学手段 26-30 4.1 正误对比略论 27 4.2 通过“是”字句偏误略论和专项练习提高韩国留学生汉语写作的能力 27 4.3 创设情景,加强练习 27-28 4.4 “是”字句特定情境造句练习 28 4.5 对韩汉语教师不断学习,提高自身素质 28-29 4.6 采取合理的习得顺序 29-30 第五章 韩国留学生汉语写作中“是”字句教学启示 30-32 5.1 “是”字句教学启示 30-31 5.2 通过“是”字句偏误略论提高韩国留学生汉语写作能力 31-32 结语 32-34 参考文献 34-36 作者简介及在学期间所取得的科研成果 36-37 后记和致谢 37 |