
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


In this paper paramagnetic bearing of Chinese as a foreign language teaching "country specific" ideology, to Ludong University "country of Chinese Interlanguage Corpus" South Korean left Mr. Chinese Interlanguage Corpus "as the research object, will complete the level annotation 150 million corpus as the basic construction of the South Korean left Mr. character errors corpus, on the analysis of Chinese character error words stop frequency statistical analysis, error types is summarized, and based on the above corpus evaluation Korea left Mr. Chinese practical situation and" grade Nianye outline of Chinese characters "stop match. Analysis of the Korea Science and technology teach 1800 frequently used Chinese characters published by the Ministry of. Initially, South Korean joint left Mr. application of Chinese characters and Chinese character error characteristics, combined with the Chinese characters grade Nianye outline and Korean characters develop appropriate Korea left Mr. single country don't Chinese teaching with the table. This paper is divided into six chapters: the first chapter introduces the important sector research review, the research origin, research significance, research object and research methods. The in later research, based on a single country Chinese interlanguage corpus, formulate appropriate single country Mr. character acquisition discipline of Chinese characters teaching form, in order to promote the growth of "country specific" Chinese character teaching. The second chapter mainly introduces the "South Korean left Mr. Kanji errors corpus construction, at the same time, the invention of the corpus of misprints and typos errors stop error types is summarized, and separation of statistical analysis. Chapter three examines the South Korean left Mr. Chinese practical situation and the characters grade of the eve of the outline of the word and the classification to carry on the comparison. Chapter four examines the Korea frequently used Chinese characters in the Chinese characters grade Nianye outline of spread, and with the current Chinese characters compared at the same time, the corpus in the South Korean left Mr. Chinese partial word error and South Korea frequently used Chinese characters to stop comparing. The fifth chapter analyzes the influence of South Korean students Chinese characters application identity, divided into objective factors and objective element. Sure to develop teaching in Han Chinese characters should abide by the principle, and based on the principle of making the Korean teaching Chinese characters table. The sixth chapter summarizes the major findings of the research department, find out the lack of research and future can further expand the space.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6-7   目录   8-10   第一章 绪论   10-23       第一节 探讨综述   10-20           1.1.1 偏误理论与中介语理论探讨概况   10-12           1.1.2 汉字偏误探讨   12-17           1.1.3 汉字字表探讨   17-20           1.1.4 总结   20       第二节 课题探讨的缘起及其探讨意义   20-22           1.2.1 课题探讨的缘起   20-21           1.2.2 课题探讨的意义   21-22       第三节 本课题探讨思路及措施   22-23           1.3.1 探讨思路   22           1.3.2 探讨措施   22-23   第二章 韩国留学生汉字偏误语料库的概况及汉字偏误略论   23-42       第一节 语料库建库情况及探讨依据的说明   23-26           2.1.1 语料来源   23           2.1.2 汉字偏误记录措施   23-24           2.1.3 汉字偏误认定   24-26       第二节 韩国留学生汉字偏误类型及偏误字字频统计略论   26-42           2.2.1 错字偏误类型的略论与统计   26-35           2.2.2 别字偏误类型的略论与统计   35-40           2.2.3 其他汉字偏误类型的说明   40-42   第三章 韩国留学生所用汉字在汉字等级大纲中的分布考察   42-48       第一节 汉字等级大纲的研制   42-44           3.1.1 汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲的研制措施   42-43           3.1.2 汉字等级大纲的研制措施   43-44       第二节 韩国留学生汉字使用情况考察   44-48           3.2.1 韩国留学生汉字使用字量情况   44-46           3.2.2 韩国留学生汉字使用频次分级   46-48   第四章 韩国留学生所用汉字与韩文汉字的对比略论   48-56       第一节 韩国常用汉字在汉字等级大纲中的分布考察   48-49       第二节 韩国常用汉字与中国现行汉字的比较   49-54           4.2.1 字形完全相同的汉字   50           4.2.2 字形微差的汉字   50-53           4.2.3 字形完全不同的汉字   53-54       第三节 韩国留学生所用汉字与韩国常用汉字的相关性比较   54-56           4.3.1 全部使用的汉字和韩国常用汉字的比较   54           4.3.2 偏误字与韩国常用汉字的比较   54-56   第五章 对韩汉字教学用表的制定   56-62       第一节 作用韩国留学生汉字使用情况的因素简析   56-58           5.1.1 主观原因   56-57           5.1.2 客观原因   57-58       第二节 对韩汉字教学用表的研制   58-62           5.2.1 选字准则   58-60           5.2.2 分级准则   60-62   第六章 结语   62-64       第一节 探讨成果及不足   62-63           6.1.1 探讨成果   62           6.1.2 探讨不足   62-63       第二节 后续探讨   63-64   参考文献   64-67   附录一   67-74   附录二   74-76   攻读学位期间发表的科研成果情况   76-77   致谢   77  
