
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The ancient Chinese lacks the strict sense of the shape change, its vast grammatical meaning through the process of words to express the need. Preposition is one of the ancient Chinese words, in the notional words in the proportion is bigger and preposition "in" as a preposition in the application of a small category of higher frequency, the usage effect than other prepositions more complicated and students studying in the acquisition of prepositions "in" made the error more varieties, such as omitting the preposition and prepositional errors of addition, prepositions misuse. How to deal with this kind of result is a key and difficult point in the study of second language acquisition. Because Chinese and Korean belong to Sino Tibetan Languages, Altaic (controversial) two different areas, namely Chinese belongs to isolating language, Korean is an agglutinative language, so both the grammar system exist significant differences. Without this lexical category in Korean, the auxiliary to the performance of an important attachment of grammatical relations and significance. In this paper, first of all, on the eve of the foreign language related major classes, textbooks, the emergence of coherent common sense point to stop the assessment and statistics, intended to understand the layout, the spread of the situation. . secondly, the author of new HSK1-6 level through intermediary word "in" the emergence of situation stopped category analysis, tries hard to comprehensive system to master the knowledge points in the papers in assessment of the situation. The Department Assessment beneficial to support teachers fair dominating the teaching activities. At the same time, lack of big classes, textbooks and papers appeared in the Department arrangement for, teachers can seasonable dexterous use of response of the improvement measures. According to the South Korean left Mr. acquisition of prepositions "in" the emergence of rare errors. The innovation introduced Chinese Preposition "in" and coherent Korean auxiliary semantic functions and usages of the comparative analysis, desire through the process of the text classification example explanation for the Korean left Mr. to reduce bias emerging way to find. The first chapter of teachers and students present know will bias the related countermeasures, for faculty and students of the teaching reflection, assure teaching activities smoothly launched.


中文摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   绪论   6-12       一、选题背景   6-7       二、探讨近况   7-11           (一) 本体探讨   7-9           (二) 偏误探讨   9-11       三、探讨目的及探讨意义   11       四、探讨的内容及措施   11       五、语料来源及说明   11-12   第一章 相关大纲、汉语教材及测试的考察   12-21       第一节 对大纲的考察探讨   12-15       第二节 对汉语教材的考察探讨   15-18       第三节 对新HSK样卷的考察探讨   18-20       第四节 小结   20-21   第二章 对比介词“在”与相关韩语助词的表义功能及用法   21-35       第一节 汉语介词与韩语助词的有关定义及性质   21-23           一、汉语介词的定义及性质   21-22           二、韩语助词的定义及性质   22           三、汉语介词与韩语助词的差异   22-23       第二节 介词“在”与韩语相关助词在表义功能上的对比   23-32           一、表示时间   24-25           二、表示处所   25-29           三、表示范围   29-30           四、表示事情所处进程或状态   30-31           五、表示事情的条件或前提   31           六、表示行为的主体   31-32       第三节 介词“在”与韩语相应助词在用法上的对比   32-35           一、从位置的角度   32-33           二、从所接成分的角度   33           三、从语法功能角度   33-35   第三章 韩国留学生习得介词“在”的偏误类型及诊断   35-40       第一节 语料结果略论   35       第二节 偏误类型及诊断   35-39           一、遗漏   35-36           二、误加   36-38           三、错序   38-39           四、误用   39       第三节 小结   39-40   第四章 韩国留学生习得介词“在”的偏误原因略论   40-46       第一节 母语负迁移   41-42       第二节 目的语规则的泛化   42-43       第三节 学习策略和交际策略的作用   43-44       第四节 教材的作用   44       第五节 教学的作用   44-46   第五章 解决偏误的教学对策   46-50       第一节 从大纲、教材的角度   46       第二节 从教师的角度   46-48           一、加深语法点的教学   47           二、扩大交际训练的范围   47-48           三、培养对韩教师队伍   48       第三节 从学习者的角度   48-50   结语   50-51   参考文献   51-53   致谢   53-54  
