本文以韩国年夜学低级汉语教材低级中国语、老手中国语和汉阳中国语为研究对象,经由过程统计和剖析这三部韩国年夜学低级汉语教材中的语法项目,并与汉语程度品级尺度与语法品级年夜纲中的语法项目停止比对,韩语论文范文,考核了三部低级汉语教材的语法项目数目、编排息争释的差异,进而摸索韩国年夜学汉语教材语法项目编写的特色和存在的成绩,对韩国低级汉语教材的编写提出了本身的建议。本文重要从以下三个方面睁开研究:起首,在教材语法项目数目方面,韩国年夜学的三部汉语教材的语法项目密度从年夜到小分离为低级中国语、老手中国语、汉阳中国语;三部汉语教材所触及的语法项目标数目比汉语程度品级尺度与语法品级年夜纲列出的少,可见,韩国编者并不是直接照搬中国的汉语程度品级尺度与语法品级年夜纲,而是在尽力编写加倍合适韩国粹习者的汉语教材。其次,教材语法项目编排方面,韩语论文网站,三部教材共现的语法项目、两部教材共现的语法项目和只要一部教材涌现的语法项目标广泛性层级顺次递加,而庞杂度顺次递增;三部教材在语法项目出现的前后次序上都较好地斟酌到了由易到难、按部就班的准绳。最初,教材语法项目说明方面,三部韩国汉语教材的说明各有特点,能知足分歧须要的韩国汉语进修者的请求。然则三部韩国汉语教材在以下方面存在分歧:能否运用语术数语;对语法项目标说明能否准确及其难度品级;对统一个语法项目标说明所用的焦点辞汇能否雷同;语法项目标说明和例句能否对应和例句数目情形。 Abstract: The Korea University Junior Chinese Textbooks in the elementary Chinese language ", the veteran Chinese language" and the Han Chinese language "as the research object, through statistical process and analysis of the three South Korea University Junior Chinese Textbooks in the grammar items and" Chinese grade scale and grade of the eve of the grammar outline of grammar and stop comparison, assessment of the three lower number of grammar items in Chinese textbooks, the arrangement information release of the similarities and differences, and find Korea University Chinese teaching material grammar project prepared by the characteristics and existing achievement of Korea Junior Chinese textbooks written and put forward own suggestions. This article from the following three aspects open discussion: first and foremost, in terms of the number of grammar items, at the University of South Korea, three Chinese textbook grammar items density from big to small separation for the junior Chinese language ", the veteran Chinese language", "Han Chinese"; three Chinese textbooks involves grammar items standard number than "Chinese grade scale and grade of the eve of the grammar outline listed less, visible, Korean editors not a direct copy of China" Chinese grade scale and grade of the eve of the grammar outline, but in trying to write the double right quintessence of Korean learners of Chinese textbooks. Secondly, compile teaching material grammar items, three textbooks co-occurrence of grammar items, two textbooks co-occurrence of grammar items and as long as the emergence of a teaching grammar extensive hierarchical sequential increments, and the complexity of the sequential increasing; three textbooks on grammar items and order are better to consider from easy to difficult, step by step criterion. At first, the text grammar project description, the three South Korean Chinese teaching material has the characteristic, can satisfy the different needs of Korean Chinese learners' request. However, three South Korean Chinese textbooks are divided in the following aspects: can language application of few words; grammatical goal that can accurately and difficulty grade; the grammar of the unified goal that the focus of vocabulary is the same; grammar description of the target and whether corresponding and the number of cases. 目录: 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4-5 第一章 绪论 8-10 1.1 选题缘由 8-9 1.2 探讨目的 9-10 第二章 本文探讨对象和探讨措施 10-12 2.1 探讨对象 10-11 2.2 探讨措施和探讨步骤 11-12 第三章 探讨综述 12-20 3.1 对外汉语教材编写及语法项目编排的准则 12-14 3.1.1 对外汉语教材编写准则 12-13 3.1.2 对外汉语教材语法项目编排准则 13-14 3.2. 对外汉语教材语法项目编排与解释探讨 14-17 3.2.1 教材语法项目的编排探讨 14-16 3.2.2 教材语法项目的解释探讨 16-17 3.3 对韩汉语教材的编写 17-20 第四章 三部韩国初级汉语教材语法项目对比略论 20-42 4.1 语法项目的数量对比 20-22 4.2 语法项目的编排对比 22-31 4.2.1 三部汉语教材语法项目共现情况对比 23-26 4.2.2 三部汉语教材语法项目出现的先后顺序对比 26-31 4.3 语法项目的解释对比 31-42 第五章 结论及建议 42-45 5.1 探讨结论 42-43 5.1.1 教材语法项目数量 42 5.1.2 教材语法项目编排 42 5.1.3 教材语法项目解释 42-43 5.2 对韩国初级汉语教材编写的建议 43 5.3 本探讨的不足 43-45 附录1 45-51 附录2 51-70 参考文献 70-73 致谢 73 |