韩国事我国对外汉语教授教养范围较年夜的国度之一。跟着“汉语热”的鼓起,汉语愈来愈遭到韩国人的看重,最近几年来韩国国际汉语进修者的人数赓续增长。笔者依据在韩国清州好好中国语学院一年的教授教养阅历,汇集剖析初中级韩国汉语进修者在汉语教授教养进程中的成绩。本文第二章依照教授教养对象的年纪阶段分为儿童、14~24岁的先生、已任务的成年人三组,分离罗列了两至三个具体案例,经由过程不雅察到的分歧教授教养景象和在教授教养中所运用的教授教养办法,对汉语教授教养的着重点和适当的教授教养办法停止思虑剖析。本文第三章则是对作用汉语教授教养的重要身分停止了评论辩论研究。联合第二章中的教授教养案例,重要从说话进修情况和进修者个别身分两个方面停止商量。第一部门重点剖析针对非汉语情况下的汉语进修者所存在的很多晦气身分,作为汉语教员应当运用多种教授教养办法和战略,韩语论文题目,为他们发明优越汉语情况。第二部门则评论辩论个别身分对汉语教授教养的作用,因为进修者在年纪、认知措施、进修念头、进修立场和性情上的差别性,招致了在汉语教授教养进程中须要采取分歧教授教养办法,存眷进修者个别的差别。对外汉语教员应当在懂得进修者各自的特色的基本上,寻觅合适分歧教授教养对象的教授教养办法,取长补短,因材施教,韩语论文,尽量减少因进修者个别差别所带来的艰苦。 Abstract: South Korea is one of the country's foreign language teaching. Follow the "Chinese fever", the Chinese increasingly by Koreans valued, Korea International Chinese language training in recent years the number of gengxu growth. According to the author in Cheongju, Korea good Chinese language school one year teaching experience, bringing together at the beginning of the analysis of Intermediate Korean Chinese learners in the course of Chinese teaching. In the second chapter, in accordance with the teaching object of older stages divided into children, Mr. aged 14-24, adult tasks three groups separated list two to three specific cases, through process does not Yacha to different teaching scene and in teaching the application of teaching methods, to Chinese teaching emphasis and appropriate teaching methods stop thinking analysis. The third chapter is the influence on Chinese teaching status stop comments debate. The second chapter of the joint teaching cases, important from the talk of learning and the study of the individual status of two aspects to discuss. The focus of the first department analysis for non Chinese Chinese language learners, the existence of many unfavorable factors, application of various teaching approaches and strategies as a teacher of Chinese, for their invention superior Chinese situation. The second section reviews the impact of individual factors on the teaching of Chinese, because of the differences in age, cognitive approach, learning motivation, learning attitude and temperament, resulting in the process of teaching Chinese teaching needs to take differences in teaching methods, attention to individual differences. Foreign language teachers should be in learning to understand their respective characteristics, looking for a suitable different teaching object teaching way, learn from each other, teach students in accordance with their aptitude to minimize due to individual learner differences caused by the hard. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 目次 5-6 1 绪论 6-9 1.1 韩国“汉语热”近况 6-7 1.2 韩国汉语学习者的学习动机 7-9 2 初中级韩国学生汉语教学案例略论 9-17 2.1 教学对象为儿童 9-10 2.2 教学对象为 14~24 岁的学生 10-14 2.3 教学对象为已工作的成年人 14-17 3 作用汉语教学中的主要因素 17-24 3.1 语言学习环境 17-19 3.2 学习者的个体因素 19-24 结语 24-25 参考文献 25-26 致谢 26 |