汉语修辞格是汉语修辞最主要的内容之一,汉语修辞格在书面表达中能起到对文章润饰的感化,可以或许使说话表达更精确、更活泼、更得体。进修汉语修辞格不只能进步先生的写作,对听力、浏览和白话表达都能起到异常主要的感化。汉语修辞格常识是本国先生应当进修的主要内容之一。然则今朝,对外汉语教授教养中对汉语修辞格教授教养不敷看重,先生对修辞格运用的现状很不睬想。本论文以北京说话年夜学HSK静态作文语料库中韩国留先生的作文为研究对象,对韩国留先生修辞格运用情形和偏误情形停止了统计和剖析。依据数据显示,韩国留先生对修辞格运用品种偏少,频率低,偏误率高。笔者对修辞格运用现状不睬想的缘由分离从教员对汉语修辞格教授教养认识软弱、教材编写中修辞格常识所占比例小和先生对修辞格的进修念头弱等方面做了研究和剖析。对于修辞格运用偏误的缘由分离从先生本身方面、教员教授教养方面和说话迁徙等方面做了剖析。经由过程对修辞格运用现状不睬想和涌现偏误的缘由剖析,愿望惹起对外汉语教授教养界对汉语修辞格教授教养的看重。最初,韩语论文题目,就修辞格教授教养提出了几点教授教养战略,愿望对外汉语修辞格教授教养有所赞助。 Abstract: Chinese rhetoric is one of the main contents of the Chinese rhetoric and Chinese Rhetoric in written expression can play the role of the Polish, can perhaps make the language more accurate, more lively, more appropriate. Learn Chinese rhetoric not only progress's writing, expression can play a major role in abnormal listening, browsing and vernacular. Chinese rhetorical knowledge is one of the main contents of their study should be mr.. However currently, the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language to Chinese rhetoric teaching is not enough value, Sir to fix the present situation of application of figures of speech very not ideal. This paper in Beijing speak University HSK dynamic composition corpus South Korean left Mr. composition as the research object, to South Korea left Mr. rhetoric application and partial error conditions to stop the statistic and analysis. On the basis of the data showed that South Korea students of figures of speech used less variety, low frequency, high error rate. The reason of the figures of speech application status is not ideal separation from the Faculty of Chinese rhetoric teaching awareness weak and textbook writing repair knowledge of figures of speech for Mr. and small proportion of repair of speech learning motivation and weak to do the research and analysis. The reason for the errors of the application of rhetoric itself, separated from the Sir teacher teaching and speaking migration are analyzed. By reason of the repair present application of figures of speech is not ideal and the emergence of error analysis and desire to cause foreign language teaching circles of Chinese rhetoric teaching value. Initially, the repair of speech teaching put forward some teaching strategies and wishes Chinese rhetoric teaching has sponsored. 目录: 摘要 6-7 ABSTRACT 7 第一章 绪论 8-14 1.1 选题缘起 8 1.2 探讨意义 8-10 1.3 相关探讨综述 10-14 第二章 对外汉语修辞及二语习得相关理论 14-23 2.1 有关汉语修辞格的理论 14-20 2.2 第二语言习得相关理论 20-22 2.3 小结 22-23 第三章 基于HSK动态作文语料库的韩国留学生修辞格应用情况及偏误略论 23-38 3.1 韩国留学生HSK作文修辞格使用概况 23-30 3.2 韩国留学生修辞格应用偏误示例 30-37 3.3 本章小结 37-38 第四章 韩国留学生修辞格习得近况原因略论及对策 38-49 4.1 韩国留学生修辞格习得近况原因略论 38-43 4.2 针对韩国留学生修辞格习得情况所应采取的对策 43-48 4.3 本章小结 48-49 第五章 结语 49-51 5.1 本论文的探讨成果 49 5.2 本论文的不足 49 5.3 需要改进和努力的方向 49-51 参考文献 51-54 致谢 54-55 学位论文评阅及答辩情况表 55 |