
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


1, the paper research goal and the significance of the world economy to grow, globalization has become the tide of economic growth, which also brought to the development of the justice of the broad vision, the rest of the law is to double the prosperity of the law. In the open society and the world economic situation, to discuss the rest of the judicial performance is particularly the main. China and South Korea's growth and Research on the rest of the law are facing new opportunities and challenges of the times. From the rest of the Republic of China and the eve of the rest of the Han Pingyi law of the rest of the analogy to familiar with the rest of the two countries and the rest of the judiciary and the rest of the world in the way of the development of the judiciary. 2, the basic content of the rest is a common legal system in a major and independent judiciary, in the standard of rest, to build a harmonious society has a negligible effect. China for standard use unit and the rest conclusion and implementation of the labor contract, the action, a cover the legitimate rights and interests, promote the rest relationship harmonious and stable, according to 1994 in the people's Republic of China Labor Law "comprehensive judicial basically, set in 2008, promulgated the" the people's Republic of China rest special law of contract law. The rest law of the people's Republic of China was promulgated before the rest contract law of the Republic of China. The core of the legislation is to attach importance to the operational effectiveness of the enterprise. Nothing more than the rest of the people's Republic of China contract law the rest divided into "weak society" and new legislation, the core important is the cover of "weak society" rights and emphasis on corporate social responsibility, is to the introduction of "the law of the people's Republic of China Labor Contract Law", "to the Chinese rest relationship adjustment has a far-reaching influence. South Korea there is no single method of rest, many bills including the delimitation of the rest of the basic issues, like the rest of the treatment, rest time, dismissal restrictions such as minimum rest premise "industry standard law; about the damage to the rest compensation the belongings of aminocarb compensation insurance act"; employment related to ensure that the rest of the peace and off manufacturing wage content of the recruitment of insurance law; about the contents of the minimum wage scale the minimum lease gold "; and the rest nature of trade union organizations and labor dispute content the rest group legitimate" and "labor relations adjustment method." South Korea, "diligence Standards Law" before the introduction of a number of South Korean labor relations act has reached 32. These act on the whole formed South Korea "labor law ", not outside South Korea common to the diligence Standards Law "as the method of rest. Because China and South Korea's fundamental policies, political system and economic management system differences, China and South Korea has a different judicial basic, is to break the relationship between the judicial system is also a significant difference. So this paper focuses analysis recently hot compared to China's current labor law and labor contract law, comparison between China and ROK rest legislation power and rest of justice, enterprises are discussed and the rest who influence, and further analysis of China and South Korea's labor law the status and difference. 3, the innovation place of this paper innovation place lies in the introduction of interpretation has changed the content and effect of the people's Republic of China labor contract law, and South Korea on current rest judicial analogy of between the two countries of investment enterprise of the rest two judicial know has a positive role.

