
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


1, the real name system of financial send righteousness: name and concept of financial real name system to stop the textual research and catalog the pure of China and South Korea have representative definition, and subject to the real name, scale and bias and "real name" send your own righteousness etc. concept factors starting from the definition of the two countries to carry on the comparison. 2, the implementation of financial real name system the historical background of the process of analogy: important to elaborate the two non rail financial real name system forms the history, serious matters in the process of implementation, and to implement both before and after a recent state assessment. The significance of 3, the real name system of financial comparison: that implement the financial real name system for the two countries to curb decay; perfect the tax system, tax system reform; improved spot economic conditions; attack money laundering and other financial crime; the underground economy positive of; economic justice, etc six aspects of the significance. 4, the financial real name system to carry out the plan comparison: from the implementation of scale, real name confirmation ID, confidentiality, the real assets, and relevant punishment delineated and easy disposal methods, such as five facing China and South Korea's financial real name system plan to carry on the comparison. 5, the financial real name system to implement the consequences: This is the focus of this paper, to take the approach of empirical research, the two countries to implement the financial real name system after the economic intentions, political and social impact. In explaining the intention economy, choose the economic increase rate, prices, wages, industry rate of micro economic common goals, and the organized inflation, savings balance, stock and bond trading volume financial market target; on expounding the social influence, with real data explain financial real name system of punishment rot, practical consequences in all kinds of attacks against the law, and puts forward the real civilization "and the" real economy "concept, and with various aspects of the social life in the examples to explain. 6, in the face of Chinese financial real name system important achievement and result processing imaginary: discusses the China in the implementation encountered in the process of the real name system of personal account of the computer collection, application of Chinese characters, private funds public deposit, ID card, storage boxes and other results, and focus on the to South Korea as a reference proposed some suggestions. Conclusion: after the conclusion of the full text of the real name system in all aspects of China and South Korea have a larger gap between the conclusions, and pointed out that the perfect financial real name system is an important obligation.


中文摘要   3-5   Abstact   5   绪论   8-12       1. 问题的提出   8       2. 金融实名制的含义   8-12   第一章 中韩实施金融实名制的历史背景过程比较   12-16       1.1 两国非实名金融制度的形成   12-13       1.2 实施金融实名制的主要过程   13-14       1.3 实施前后的民意状况比较   14-16   第二章 中韩金融实名制的意义比较   16-24       2.1 实施金融实名制是遏制腐败、廉政建设的有效手段   16-17       2.2 完善税收体系,实现税收制度的改革   17-18       2.3 有利于两国即期经济大环境的改善   18-20       2.4 有利于打击洗钱等金融犯罪   20-21       2.5 有利于两国地下经济的阳性化   21-22       2.6 有利于实现经济正义   22-24           2.6.1 有利于保障存款人的利益落   22-23           2.6.2 储蓄实名制是两国政府调控与拨动公平杠杆的重要基础   23-24   第三章 中韩金融实名制实施方案比较   24-29       3.1 实施范围   24       3.2 实名确认证件   24-25       3.3 保密   25-26       3.4 对既有非实名资产的方法   26-27       3.5 与金融实名制有关的处罚规定   27       3.6 宽松的处理方法   27-29   第四章 中韩金融实名制实施效果比较   29-40       4.1 对两国经济多方面的作用利大于弊   29-35           4.1.1 经济一般指标上   29-32           4.1.2 金融市场   32-35       4.2 社会作用比较   35-40           4.2.1 对两国惩治腐败有重大贡献   35-36           4.2.2 打击各种犯罪   36           4.2.3 为社会各界提供一种“实名”经济理念   36-40   第五章 中韩中国金融实名制面临的主要问题与解决问题设想   40-45       5.1 计算机网络问题   40       5.2 汉字使用问题   40-42       5.3 私款公存问题   42       5.4 身份证方面的问题   42-44           5.4.1 有效证件认证困难   43           5.4.2 无身份证件存款困难   43-44       5.5 保管箱问题   44-45   结论 中国金融实名制还有很长的路要走   45-46   Ⅲ、 参考文献   46-48  
