跟着世界经济全球化过程的加速,国际教导商业办事敏捷成长起来,并且愈来愈遭到列国的存眷,教导作为一种办事产物,也逐步参加到国际商业中,列国之间广泛睁开了教导办事商业范畴的协作与竞争。以吸引留先生为主的教导出口曾经成为教导国际化得一个主要标记。我国参加WTO后,对教导范畴实施了部门许诺。并在这一许诺的基本上加速了和列国教导办事商业的协作。本文论述了中韩两国教导办事商业协作的成长情形。重要分为四个部门:第一部门引见了立题的意义、国际外对于教导办事商业的研究现状和本文的框架构造。第二部门在剖析国度教导办事商业各类概念界定的基本上,引伸由本文对国际教导办事商业所做的学术界说:并从初等教导办事、中等教导办事、高级教导办事、成人教导办事、其他教导办事等角度,对国际教导办事商业停止部分分类;同时引见了美国、英国和澳年夜利亚在教导办事商业成长上的胜利经历。第三部门引见了中韩两国教导办事商业协作的成长沿革、两国教导办事商业协作的特点、和两国教导办事商业成长敏捷的缘由和协作中涌现的成绩。第四部门针对两国在协作中涌现的成绩,对加速中韩两国教导办事商业提出的对策和建议。依据剖析使我们熟悉到教导办事商业是推进经济成长的一个主要身分,我国也应当深入熟悉到教导办事商业对经济的伟大增进感化,而且在中韩两国的协作中,充足运用两国的优势,年夜力成长两国的教导办事商业协作,制订出吸引境外留先生的政策,将成长教导办事商业作为推进经济成长的一个新的经济增加点,完成两国的共赢。 Abstract: Along with the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, the International Education Act quick business grew up, and increasingly by the nations of concern, teach as a service product, also gradually to participate in international business, between various countries widely open education service category of business association and competition. In order to attract students to stay mainly in the export of teaching has become a major international mark. After our country joined the WTO, the Department made a promise to the teaching category. And in this promise to accelerate the accelerated and the countries to teach business cooperation. This paper discusses the development situation of business cooperation between China and Korea. It is divided into four parts: the first part introduces the significance of the problem, the international and international research on the teaching of business and the framework of this article. Second department in, on the basis of analysis of the country education service trade all kinds of definition, the extension of the of international education service business academic definition: and from the elementary education act, secondary education work, higher education services, adult teaching work, other teaching work etc. angle, on international education service trade stop part classification; at the same time introduced the the United States, Britain and Australia in to teach the growth of commercial services on the victory experience. The third section describes the development of China and South Korea to teach business cooperation, the two countries to teach business characteristics of business collaboration, and the two countries to teach business growth in the cause of the rapid development of business and cooperation in the results. The fourth sector for the two countries in cooperation in the results, to speed up the two countries to accelerate the teaching of business proposals and suggestions. According to the analysis enable us to familiar to teach business is to push the economic development a major factor, China should also be thoroughly familiar to teach service trade on the economy of great stimulative effect. And in China and South Korea cooperation, full use of their advantages, the teachings of the eve of the growth of bilateral service business collaboration, formulate policies to attract overseas students studying, the growth of education service trade as to push the economic development of a new economic increase point, bilateral win-win. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6-7 第一章 绪论 10-17 1.1 选题的目的和意义 10 1.2 文献综述 10-15 1.2.1 国外的探讨近况 10-13 1.2.2 国内的探讨近况 13-15 1.3 探讨的措施 15-16 1.4 基本的探讨框架 16-17 第二章 国际教育服务贸易的概述 17-29 2.1 国际教育服务贸易的概述 17-20 2.1.1 国际教育服务贸易的概念 17-18 2.1.2 国际教育服务贸易的分类 18-19 2.1.3 国际教育服务贸易的特征 19 2.1.4 国际教育服务贸易的提供方式 19-20 2.2 WTO成员国的开放承诺 20-24 2.2.1 WTO框架下对教育服务贸易的承诺及贸易壁垒 22-23 与教育服务贸易有关的水平承诺 22-23 教育服务贸易部门与相应的承诺 23 2.2.2 国际教育服务贸易的壁垒 23-24 2.3 发达国家教育服务贸易的成功经验 24-29 2.3.1 美国教育服务贸易 24-25 2.3.2 英国教育服务贸易 25-27 2.3.3 澳大利亚教育服务贸易 27-29 第三章 中韩教育服务贸易合作近况 29-47 3.1 中韩教育服务贸易发展沿革 29-33 3.1.1 中韩建交到中国入世之前两国教育服务贸易合作 29-32 3.1.2 中国入世之后两国教育服务贸易合作 32-33 3.2 中韩教育服务贸易合作的特征 33-39 3.2.1 中韩留学生互相成为两国最大的留学生群体 33-35 3.2.2 来华韩国留学生人数大于在韩中国留学生数 35-37 3.2.3 中韩合作办学的类型和规模逐步扩大 37-39 3.3 中韩教育服务贸易迅速发展的动因 39-43 3.3.1 相似的历史背景和教育模式 39-40 3.3.2 中韩经贸合作的加强是发展教育服务贸易的客观要求 40-41 3.3.3 两国政府各自制定了吸引留学生的优惠政策 41-43 3.4 中韩教育服务贸易合作中存在的问题 43-47 3.4.1 教育服务贸易的出口形式单一、出口规模小 43-44 3.4.2 我国吸引韩国留学生的优势学科开发不足 44 3.4.3 留学韩国的费用低于我国、奖学金制度优于我国 44-45 3.4.4 我国留学生健康保险制度不完善 45-47 第四章 加快中韩教育服务贸易的对策和建议 47-52 4.1 提高对教育服务贸易的认识 47-49 4.1.1 当今世界教育服务贸易发展趋势 47 4.1.2 我国教育服务贸易发展态势 47-48 4.1.3 中韩教育服务贸易发展空间还很大 48-49 4.2 转变政府职能、完善各项法规和制度 49-50 4.2.1 加快解决中韩两国学历学位互认问题 49 4.2.2 完善现有的留学生医疗保险制度 49-50 4.2.3 积极拓展有利于韩国留学生的奖、助学金的设立渠道 50 4.3 加强我国高校办学的灵活性 50-52 4.3.1 充分开发我国高校的优势学科、改革专业结构 50-51 4.3.2 提高中韩合作办学的市场能力 51 4.3.3 拓展教育服务贸易的多样化形式 51-52 结束语 52-53 参考文献 53-57 致谢 57 |