
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The results of the processing mechanism of trademark gum Ge is a major, new, practical and theoretical close joint result. To establish the processing mechanism of trademark glue Gregory, and from comparative law perspective of China and the ROK handling mechanism to carry on the comparison, both China and Korea on the theory and practice of development, cities have a positive impact, especially on the rail system construction and development is a serious guidance values. But at present, very little can be seen in this area of articles and books, this article will try to do this in this regard. This paper is divided into six chapters. 1, the article's thoughts and control the first chapter "trademark and trademark rights". As a kind of private right, trademark right is the condition of the occurrence of plastic Ge. This chapter will make a brief explanation of the concept, elements, characteristics and functions of the trademark, and make a brief explanation of the inner and the scale of the trademark right. The second chapter "trademark administration". In two countries, China and South Korea, the trademark registration system is implemented, and the registration is equivalent to the trademark right of the trademark right to get practical recognition. This paper refers to the glue Gregory and not pure refers to trademark infringement for civilian glue Gregory, and also contains the process from the trademark registration request request people between the administrative organs and the glue Gregory, the glue Gregory source to the trademarks can be registered know, and others prior power, and others trademark approximation, conclude that the existence of scale scores. This chapter briefly explains the types of plastic and rubber varieties that have occurred due to trademark registration in China and Korea, and in accordance with the existing judicial rules to deal with and deal with them. The third chapter is the comparison of the trademark judicial review mechanism". In this chapter, followed by the previous chapter of the debate on the debate of the plastic Ge, China and South Korea on the trademark administration of the processing mechanism of the. And South Korea on the glue Gregory, with China, is still through administrative proceedings of the French to deal with, and China's current on the glue Gregory separation by the unified court within the different nature of the trial court to serve as trial, on this kind of mechanism, this paper will be reviewed, and based on the nature of the trademark glue Gregory, processing mechanism is good or bad, the different nature of litigation procedures about the rights and interests of the parties to cover level angle analysis, the internally generated in other countries and regions on the glue Gregory processing method and mechanism, and puts forward suggestions to itself. The fourth chapter "trademark infringement"". This chapter and the first two chapters should be the absolute, the first two chapters analysis is trademark administrative glue Gregory and rescue method, and this chapter and the next chapter for is plain near the main for the exercise of trademark right and glue Gregory and rescue methods. This chapter focuses on the analysis of the action of trademark infringement (including the composition of trademark infringement

