
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Tax is conditioning of social economy the main lever of country, is the major source of national financial expenditure, direct or indirect role in the birth and growth of enterprises. The growth of the tax system to society and economy plays a vital role. Followed by China's economic growth and economic system reform further deep, tax rail system in the transformation of gengxu growth, gradually perfect, and the occurrence and growth of corporate tax system. From the Chinese situation, corporate tax is still an important origin of the national financial expenditure. Compete for business tax according to the amount of tax burden level is through the tax system to be sure, tax policy effect of the cast is through the implementation of the detailed process of the tax system to complete. The corporate tax is decided the effect of tax on corporate social and economic interests of the. Reasonable corporate tax system for enterprises to create a legal system of Taxation, is beneficial to the enterprise's fair competition, will be able to enhance the enterprise's growth, so as to further promote the economic growth and social stability. Is to study the optimization of tax system is the main focus of enterprise performance China tax reform. Chinese tax reform has experienced four stages since the founding. Medium, the 1994 tax administration and comprehensive transformation since the founding of China tax category of the biggest, the most extensive and the most in-depth a reactionary. Such as first of value-added tax transformation extends the implementation of scale, from the birth, the category of smooth widely implemented production type value-added tax, with a rail system and grow into compared to standard; tax system reformation for stable and attract foreign investment discretion, the public enterprise income tax, individual income tax, the private enterprise income tax merge with the domestic enterprise income tax; tax system reform at the same time, promote tax constraint transformation, completely change the current collection beam is not careful, backward means of tax collection and management situation, from the basic progress in tax collection and management, ensure tax consistently implement, establish normal order of taxation. The tax system reform unable to promote the socialist market economic system, special micro economic regulation mechanism establish and grow, strengthened the central government macroeconomic regulation and control of the to, so as to promote the economic growth and growth. However, along with China's socialist market economic system gradually perfect and the globalization of the world economy to the depth development, after the 1994 tax reform and the social and economic development does not adapt. Such as birth of value added tax on fixed assets taxes already paid not to approve the deduction, restraint on investment increase, mishap in entrepreneurial skills improve, industrial structure adjustment and the international competitiveness of products progress; implementation table with the rest of the two sets of enterprise income tax, foreign enterprises unfair tax burden, tax burden, "light in the heavy" "dual system" operation mode, restraint increase in investment; about the tax collection and management reform to obtain significant results, but there are still between tax collection wrist behind, tax authorities and tax authorities and tax between people is not connected to the Internet, limiting the tax levy and inspection, obstacles the tax collection and management and improve efficiency. Is to conform to the economic and social development of the new situation request, to further perfect the tax system, positively cope with the impact of the international financial crisis on China's economy, the decision of the State Council in the round to implement the transformation of value-added tax reform, implementation of rail deduction of the input tax of fixed assets, and implementation of endowment of inside and outside the enterprise income tax laws together, the rate of decline, separation in January 2008 to January 1, 2009, 1, began to implement. Although the prevailing new tax on corporate investment, skills improve, the competitiveness has certain stimulative effect, but compared to the South Korea also has some disadvantages. South Korea and China from the history, the geography have close relationship, and taken in the economic growth in the process of seeking and economic policy are very similar. South Korea can be called is an example of economic growth in Asia is in Asian countries in the earliest implementation of value-added tax in the country, the implementation of value-added tax than the standard. In 1994 Chinese stop VAT reform also made reference to the Department of South Korea's value-added tax form. So China vat has many similarities with South Korea at a certain level of value-added tax. Therefore, this article selects the South Korea compared to object, to corporate tax system optimization actual according to business taxes (value-added tax and enterprise income tax and tax collection and management and South Korea compared, from identify existing in current corporate tax results and puts forward the optimized enterprise tax relevant policy recommendations.

