
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


This paper applied economics important international business studies coherent practical and common sense to take standard analysis and empirical analysis, qualitative research and quantitative research phase combination method, analysis and research between China and Korea Commercial and limit effect (primarily on the barrier effect of the boundary) and the influence of performance. In addition to the introduction and summary, this paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. Discusses the topic research goal and significance of this study, the important content and frame structure, the thesis research the important way. The second chapter is a practical overview. First introduced the boundaries and boundary effect on the meaning, definition of gravity model and the basic principles and abroad to about boundary effect and related research review, first is an overview of the growth of the economic and trade relations between China and South Korea, and includes the long-term prospects of economic and trade relations between China and Korea growth status, economic and trade relations between China and South Korea growth in the presence of achievement and its reason, China and South Korea economic and trade relations. The third chapter is the empirical analysis. This chapter is the focus of the paper. Firstly according to the China ROK economic and trade relations development status, and establish a measure of trade between China and South Korea limit effect gravity model for; and explanation for the empirical analysis of the data origin and data disposal; originally take 1992 since the Chinese provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government of South Korea's business, the data based on the gravity model of panel data analysis and practical calculation by the commercial potential of China's provinces, regions and municipalities with South Korea. The fourth chapter is the basic conclusions and policy recommendations. First elaborated the through empirical analysis of the fundamental conclusions drawn on the Sino Korea economic and trade relationship between growth and trade between China and South Korea limit effect degree grade. And on this basis for restricting China ROK economic and trade relations development status of the response, which must be operational policy recommendations.


引言   5-6   摘要   6-7   Abstract   7-8   第一章 绪论   11-14       1.1 探讨的目的和意义   11-12       1.2 论文的主要内容与框架结构   12-13       1.3 探讨的主要措施   13-14   第二章 理论概述   14-35       2.1 相关概念   14-16           2.1.1 边界   14-15           2.1.2 边界效应   15-16       2.2 相关探讨   16-23           2.2.1 对于引力模型   16-17           2.2.2 国内相关探讨   17-19           2.2.3 国外相关探讨   19-21           2.2.4 基于引力模型的边界效应探讨   21-23       2.3 中韩经贸关系发展概述   23-35           2.3.1 中韩经贸关系发展近况   23-29           2.3.2 中韩经贸关系发展中存在的主要问题及其原因   29-33           2.3.3 中韩经贸关系前景展望   33-35   第三章 实证略论   35-43       3.1 模型建立   35-36       3.2 数据来源与处理   36-37       3.3 结果略论   37-43   第四章 基本结论与政策建议   43-48       4.1 基本结论   43-44       4.2 政策建议   44-48           4.2.1 进一步改善我国出口商品结构   44           4.2.2 尽快建立中韩自由贸易   44           4.2.3 加强两国政府间的贸易协调   44-45           4.2.4 利用WTO规则维护我国产品贸易正当权益   45           4.2.5 促进双方在文化教育领域的交流   45-46           4.2.6 充分发挥跨国界民族的影响,促使边界的“屏蔽效应”向“中介效应”转变   46-48   参考文献   48-52   致谢   52-53   附录(攻读学位期间发表论文目录)   53  
