
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
本论文对于中韩FTA对两国钢铁家当的作用停止了深刻过细的研究,研究目标共有三个部门:第1、在全球区域经济一体化的趋向下,考核中韩FTA的需要性;第2、研究中韩钢铁家当的成长过程和商业现状;第3、猜测剖析树立中韩FTA后两国钢铁产物商业构造和竞争关系的变更。自在商业协议作为地域经济一体化进程的初步阶段,与现在实施完整经济一体化的欧洲区比拟,固然FTA还面对着国度或地域经济之间存在异同的限制,可是因为具有较简略、较轻易的长处,如今世界许多国度积极介入区域经济商业协议。基于Viner静态模子与静态模子研究树立FTA的经济效应,本文对中韩两国钢铁家当内商业指数(Intra Industry Trade)与商业特化指数(Trade Specification index)停止了过细剖析。本文将钢铁家当的254种钢铁产物分红为10个组,将自2001年到2011年分为四个时代,算出的中韩钢铁产物的商业特化指数与家当内商业指数的成果以下:中韩两都城具有比拟优势的钢铁产物,这是由于两国钢铁家当各有优势,如中国较低价的钢材、韩国较高技巧的钢板等。但今朝,因为中国钢铁家当敏捷成长,中韩钢铁商业停止剧烈的竞争。至2011年,中国钢铁年夜部门产物的TSI值持续贬值。个中,中厚板、热轧钢板、钢管和铸锻件的出口增长率急速上升,而其他钢材、中厚板和热轧钢板的出口量较多。然则,韩国的冷轧钢板、外面处置钢板、钢管和铸锻件的出口较多,而中厚板和热轧钢板的出口量许多。现在中国钢铁产物的关税持无为5-7%,而韩国则年夜多半钢铁产物曾经没有关税。是以,树立中韩FTA后,两国钢铁家当商业势态与竞争力会遭到一些作用:第一,中国具有比拟优势与非竞争的产物方面,中韩之间已发生家当间商业,中国的产物会依然具有果断的比拟优势;第二,中国具有比拟优势与竞争的产物方面,钢管和铸锻件的中国关税绝对小,并且,中国对这些钢铁产物的竞争力逐步增长,树立中韩FTA后中国对这些产物的比拟优势会上升,个中一些竞争产物会转移到非竞争产物;第三,韩国具有比拟优势的产物方面,签署中韩FTA后中国的冷轧钢板、黑色钢板和镀金钢板的价钱竞争力变成弱化,而韩国的这些钢铁产物的临盆才能较强,会惹起韩国对中国的出口增长。


This thesis about effect of FTA between China and South Korea bilateral steel belongings to stop the profound and meticulous research, research goal total three departments: 1, under the trend of regional economic integration in the world, needs assessment of China Korea FTA; second, study Korea steel possessions of the growth process and business situation; third, speculation analysis to establish the FTA between China and South Korea bilateral steel products trade structure and competition relationships change. Compared to the free trade agreement as the initial stage of the process of regional economic integration, and now the implementation of complete economic integration in Europe, although FTA also face against the country or region economy difference limit, but because it is more simple, more easily strengths. Now many countries of the world actively involved in regional economic and trade agreements. Based on Viner static model and static model research to establish the economic effect of FTA, this paper in China and South Korea iron and steel furniture business (intra industry trade index and trade specialization index (trade specification index) stopped meticulous analysis. The steel belongings of 254 species of iron and steel products dividends for the 10 group, will be from 2001 to 2011 divided into four times, calculated Korea steel products business specialization index and belongings in the commercial index as follows: China and South Korea both have comparative advantage of iron and steel product, this is because of the advantages of both iron and steel furniture, such as low steel in China, South Korea higher skills of the plate. However, because China steel house rapid growth, South Korea steel commercial competition stop. To 2011, the TSI value of the Chinese steel sector products continue to depreciate. The export growth rate of medium and heavy plate, hot rolled steel plate, steel pipe and casting and forging is increasing rapidly, while the export volume of other steel, medium and heavy plate and hot rolled steel plate is more. However, South Korea's cold rolled steel plate, outside the disposal of steel, steel pipe and cast forgings exports more, while the export volume of medium and heavy plate and hot rolled steel plate. Now China's iron and steel products of the tariff is doing nothing 5-7%, while South Korea most of the steel products have no tariff. Is to establish, South Korea FTA, iron and steel business situation and competitiveness of the two countries would have been some effects: first, China has comparative advantage and non competitive products, commercial property has occurred between China and South Korea, China products will still have a comparative advantage and decisive; second, China products has the comparative advantage and competition. Steel casting and forging and China tariff is absolutely small, and Chinese competitiveness of these steel products is increasing gradually, set up the China Korea FTA on these products after China comparative advantage will rise, some competitive products will be transferred to the non competitive products; third, South Korea has the incomparable advantage of products, China and South Korea signed after FTA cold rolled steel sheet and Chinese black and gold plated steel plate price competitiveness become weakened, while South Korea's iron and steel production to the strong, will cause the Chinese of South Korea Port growth.

