中韩两国山川相连,都是具有五千年悠长汗青的陈旧平易近族,汗青上两国在政治上、经济上、文明上都坚持着亲密的接洽。到了古代,中韩两国建交今后,两边在政治、经济、社会、文明等各个范畴的关系都获得了疾速成长。但是,在这类来往亲密的年夜趋向下,两国在各个方面时不时涌现一些抵触,特别近几年,因为文明上的抵触,两公民间和睦谐声响也日趋增年夜,中国人“厌韩”情感,韩国的“反汉热”针锋绝对,友好情感赓续升温。深受不雅众爱好的韩剧也开端涌现争光和歪曲中国抽象的情节。在这类情形下,本文试图经由过程剖析建交以来韩剧中的中国抽象,研讨这些抽象发生的汗青、文明、政治、地舆和心思缘由。研究韩剧中的中国抽象,一方面可以经由过程异国的中国抽象来认知自我,从而对主体自我有一个了了的熟悉;另外一方面也能够从韩剧中的中国抽象这面镜子反窥到亚洲的个人文明心思;再者,可以有的放矢地建构中国真实、饱满、活泼的主体自我抽象。本文彩取质化研究的措施来停止研究。起首,根据韩剧的作用力,本文肯定了涌现中国抽象的韩剧作为样本库,这个样本库根本涵盖了中韩建交以来韩剧的重要类型。其次,在文本细读的基本上,本文联合比拟文学抽象学、认识形状实际、文明地舆学、叙事学、等相干实际对韩剧中的中国抽象停止研究。韩剧中涌现的中国空间、中国人物和中国符号都是中国抽象的承载者,是以本文分离统计出了涌现在韩剧中的中国空间、中国人物和中国符号等中国抽象组成要素,然后据此剖析这些中国抽象在韩剧中承载的文明意义。 Abstract: China and South Korea are linked to mountains and rivers, is a long history of five thousand years old, the two countries in the political, economic, and civilization are adhering to the close contact. To the ancient times, China and South Korea established diplomatic relations in the future, the two sides in the political, economic, social, cultural and other areas of relations have been growing rapidly. But in this kind of close contacts of the eve of the trend, the two countries in all aspects from time to time to emerge some conflict, especially in the past few years, because of a conflict of civilization, two civil disharmonious sound also increasingly increase Nianye, Chinese tires of the Han "emotion, South Korea's anti thermal Han" tit for tat absolute, friendly feelings continuously heating. By the audience favorite drama also began to emerge and distort China Abstract plot glory. In this kind of situation, this paper attempts to analyze the Chinese abstract in Korean dramas since the establishment of diplomatic relations, to explore the historical, cultural, political, geographical and psychological reasons. Research in Korean Chinese abstract. On the one hand can through the process of exotic China Abstract to self cognition, to the main self a familiar; on the other hand can also from the Korean dramas in China Abstract This mirror peep to Asia's personal cultural psychology; moreover, can have a definite object in view to construct Chinese real, full, lively subject self abstraction. This article will discuss the method of qualitative research. First of all, according to the influence of drama, this paper affirms the emergence of Chinese abstract Korean as a sample library, this sample library contains the important types of Korean dramas since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and korea. Secondly, in a close reading of the text basically, this paper compared literature Abstract Science, understanding of the actual shape, civilization and geography, narratology, such as related to the theory of drama in China Abstract research. Drama in the emergence of China's space, Chinese characters and the Chinese symbols are China Abstract the bearer, is to based on the statistics of the Chung now Korean Chinese, Chinese characters and Chinese symbols Chinese abstract elements. Secondly, according to the analysis of the Chinese abstract hosted in Korean cultural significance. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 第一章 绪论 7-18 第一节 探讨缘起:中国形象问题在韩剧中的呈现 7-8 第二节 探讨综述 8-12 第三节 相关概念及界定 12-15 第四节 探讨措施和文章结构说明 15-16 第五节 课题探讨的意义及创新之处 16-18 第二章 面纱下的“他者”:韩剧中的中国形象 18-41 第一节 韩剧中的大国外交形象:从朝贡关系到无视规则 18-22 一、附属时期:贯彻“朝贡体制”的宗主国 18-20 二、独立时期:实施国际霸权的邻国 20-22 第二节 韩剧中的中国国民形象:从单面到多面的转变 22-31 一、韩剧中中国国民形象的“典型化”再现 22-27 二、形象的异同:从“单一”到“丰富” 27-28 三、行为异同:从“负面”到“正负共存” 28-30 四、态度异同:从“排斥”到“复杂” 30-31 第三节 韩剧中的中国地理空间:异托邦与乌托邦之间 31-38 一、城市异托邦:韩剧中的中国城市形象 32-37 二、中国农村的想象:荒蛮与田园并存的乌托邦 37-38 第四节 文化利用与想象:文化符号的秘密 38-41 一、饮食文化的误读:变异的本土化中餐 38-39 二、民俗文化的变味利用:代表他者的视觉符号 39-41 第三章 镜像中的自我:社会变迁和地缘政治合力影响的结果 41-50 第一节 社会发展下的民族心理变化 41-47 一、武力讨伐与“朝贡关系”下形成的历史记忆 41-44 二、经济上的优越与失落 44-45 三、韩国极端民族主义的兴起 45-47 第二节 “彼此东方化”:韩国现代性自我身份认同的需求 47-50 一、异国形象中的文化“他者” 47-48 二、双重“他者”之间:夹缝中生存的韩国文化 48-50 结语 50-53 附录 53-60 参考文献 60-64 致谢 64-65 在读期间相关成果发表情况 65 |