中国和韩国在许多方面具有类似的地方,例如,异样属于中心集权的单一制国度,并且,在汗青渊源、文明传统、宗教崇奉、说话文字、经济成长途径等方面,两个国度也较为邻近。从20世纪80年月末到90年月初,韩国当局依据国际外经济的现实情形,对行政区划停止了年夜刀阔斧的改造,以顺应赓续成长的经济基本,响应的,先辈和完美的下层修建进一步地增进了韩国经济的成长,从而在上世纪90年月,韩国获得了令全球注视的经济成长造诣。与韩国分歧的是,虽然中国在汗青上有比拟完美的行政区划的传统,然则新中国成立以后,特别是改造开放以来,随同着中国经济的飞速成长,中国的政治体系体例改造在必定水平上落伍于经济的成长速度,加上中国地区辽阔,平易近族浩瀚,情形庞杂,在详细的操作进程中,行政区划改造的难度比拟年夜。本文在对韩国行政区域划分停止引见的基本上,对中韩两国行政区划停止比拟研究,外行政区域划分和行政建制方面,韩国不管是区划建制层级、类型、设置前提,照样行政变革的法式,都是依据详细的司法而设定,真正做到了有法可依。特别是韩国当局的行政区划条理少、治理幅度年夜,跟今朝全球行政区划的成长潮水是相分歧的,韩国当局采用如许的行政区划改造的面前念头和缘由和他们之间的接洽,值得其他国度自创。依据中国行政区划成长的详细情形,外行政区划改造方面,中国既要进修和自创韩国外行政区划方面的相干机制和习气做法,又要依据中国实际情形处理中国体系体例转轨前提下所独有的一系列成绩,同时也要充足斟酌到社会主义的实质属性,建立迷信区划不雅,积极稳妥地推动行政区划改造。 Abstract: China and South Korea in many ways have similar place, for example, strange to centralized unitary state and in history, cultural tradition, religion, speak words, economic growth way, the two countries are adjacent. From the 20th century the late 1980s to the early 1990s, South Korean authorities according to the domestic and foreign economic situation, to the administrative division stopped the transformation of the knife of the eve of the broad axe, in order to comply with the ceaseless development of economic basic, response, advanced and perfect lower built to further enhance the growth of the Korean economy, thus in the early 1990s, South Korea received a global look at economic growth attainments. Differences with South Korea, although China in history have perfect administrative divisions of traditional analogy, however the founding of new China, especially since the reform and opening up, along with the rapid growth of China's economy, China's political system reform in a certain level behind in economic growth speed, and the vast area of China, ethnic vast and complex cases, in detailed operation process, the difficulty of the reform of administrative divisions relatively large. This article in to South Korea administrative division are introduced on the basis of, to China and South Korea administrative divisions to stop the comparative study, administrative region division and administrative system, South Korea, whether it is division system hierarchy, types, setting the premise, still administrative reform of the French are according to according to detailed judicial set, truly in accordance with laws. Especially less organized South Korean authorities of administrative divisions, governance greatly. With the growing tide of current global administrative divisions is consistent, the South Korean authorities by such administrative division reform front of thought and reason between them and the contact is created in other countries. According to the growth of China's administrative division, administrative division reform, China should not only study and create their own administrative divisions of Korea coherent mechanism and customary practices, but also according to the actual situation in China China system transition premise unique to a series of achievements, also want to fully consider the socialist essential attribute of, the establishment of scientific division of indecent, actively and steadily push forward reform of administrative divisions. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 第1章 绪论 9-19 1.1 探讨背景 9-11 1.2 探讨目的和探讨意义 11-12 1.2.1 探讨目的 11 1.2.2 探讨意义 11-12 1.3 相关文献综述 12-17 1.3.1 国内对于行政区划改革的探讨 12-14 1.3.2 国外对于行政区划改革的探讨 14-17 1.4 探讨内容、探讨措施以及创新点 17-18 1.4.1 探讨内容 17 1.4.2 探讨措施 17 1.4.3 创新点 17-18 1.5 技术路线 18-19 第2章 行政区划改革概述 19-23 2.1 相关概念界定 19-20 2.1.1 行政区划 19 2.1.2 行政区划改革 19-20 2.2 论文探讨的理论基础 20-23 2.2.1 管理层次和管理幅度理论 20-21 2.2.2 对于大都市区治理的理论 21-23 第3章 中韩两国行政区划改革的主要内容 23-29 3.1 中国的行政区划改革 23-26 3.1.1 改革的历程 23 3.1.2 改革后的中国行政区划 23-25 3.1.3 改革的意义 25-26 3.2 韩国行政区划改革 26-29 3.2.1 改革的历程 26-27 3.2.2 改革后的韩国行政区划 27 3.2.3 韩国行政区划改革的意义 27-28 3.2.4 韩国行政区划改革的特点 28-29 第4章 中韩行政区划的比较和启示 29-36 4.1 中韩行政区划的比较 29-33 4.1.1 区划层级的比较 29-30 4.1.2 区划幅度的比较 30-31 4.1.3 区划边界的比较 31-33 4.1.4 区划准则的比较 33 4.2 中韩行政区划异同的原因 33-34 4.2.1 历史文化传统不同 33-34 4.2.2 人文地理的异同 34 4.3 中韩行政区划比较的启示 34-36 4.3.1 层次和幅度不合理 34 4.3.2 分权不科学 34 4.3.3 “行政区经济”的弊端 34-36 第5章 行政区划调整关于中国的经验借鉴 36-42 5.1 中国行政区划改革的准则 36-38 5.1.1 区域平衡准则 36-37 5.1.2 历史传统准则 37 5.1.3 统一准则 37-38 5.2 中国行政区划改革的方法 38-42 5.2.1 减少层级 38 5.2.2 协调经济区和行政区 38-39 5.2.3 分离经济中心和行政中心 39 5.2.4 县乡整合 39-40 5.2.5 合理化改造大都市区政区结构 40-42 第6章 结论与展望 42-43 参考文献 43-46 致谢 46-47 作者简介 47 |