今朝,私立高级教导在很多国度都占领了主流位置。几十年前,很多国度的私立高级教导还不存在或许是处于边沿位置,而明天,私立高级教导的范围和先生人数在全体高级教导中的比例都有了很年夜的进步。改造开放以来的二十多年间,我公民办高级教导取得了长足的成长,在增进高级教导年夜众化,知足国民大众对于高级教导的需求,进步中华平易近族全体本质方面施展了积极的感化。中华国民共和公民办教导增进法的公布,从司法上确立了平易近办高级教导的位置,也为往后我公民办高级教导的成长供给了更加辽阔的空间。但无能否认的是,我公民办高级教导究竟起步比拟晚,在成长进程中还存在很多的成绩。若何进一步进步中公民办高级教导的位置,若何坚持和增进平易近办高级教导周全、调和和可连续成长,若何走出一条富有中国特点的平易近办高级教导之路等等,这些都是非常实际的、急切须要深刻研究和实在加以处理的成绩。与我国同处亚洲地域的韩国,60年月后敏捷突起,在短短的三四十年内,就由一个落伍的农业国完成了工业化和城市化,发明了“汉江”事业,成为亚洲的“四小龙”之一。有目共睹的现实是,韩语论文题目,在韩国突起的进程中,韩国的私立高级教导为其经济扶植做出了伟大进献,有许多值得自创的名贵经历。本文对中韩平易近办\私立高级教导的成长过程、现状、特色(重要包含当局对平易近办\私立高级教导的治理、办学经费的起源、人才网job。vhao。net造就、师资力气和国际教导等几个方面)停止了较为具体的剖析和比拟。在此基本上,卖力总结了中韩两公民办\私立高级教导成长的经历和经验,提出了我公民办高级教导的成长对策,重要包含完美当局治理,增长膏火之外其他经费的比重,坚持人才网job。vhao。net造就特点,增强教员部队扶植,立异成长国际教导等几个方面;而韩国当局对私立高级教导成长进程中的过度掌握和教员评价方面的缺点要引认为戒。 Abstract: At present, private higher education has occupied the mainstream position in many countries. Several decades ago, many countries private higher education also does not exist is perhaps in the edge position. And tomorrow, private higher education scope and number of Mr. ratio in the whole higher education have very big progress. Since the reform and opening up more than 20 years, our citizens do higher education has made great progress, in the promotion of the higher education of the eve of the public, satisfy the national public demand on higher education, progress of the plain near family all the essence of cast positive effect. "Published in the people's Republic citizens do teach enhance law", from the judicial establishment of private higher education, higher education for the future I also do civic growth provided more vast space. But there is no denying the fact is that I do teach senior citizens actually started quite late in the growth process, there are still a lot of achievements. If any in progress citizens do the position of higher education, how to adhere to and promote civilian run higher education comprehensive, harmonious and sustainable development. How to get out a rich Chinese characteristics of the plain near the office of higher education, etc., these are very real, urgent need to deeply research and really be treatment results. South Korea and China in the Asian region, after 60 years of agile processes, within a short period of thirty to forty years, from a backward agricultural country completed the industrialization and urbanization, invented the "Han River" career, to become Asia's "four little dragons" one. The reality is obvious to people in South Korea, raised in the process of teaching, private senior Korea made a great contribution for the economic development, there are a lot of valuable experience is worth using for reference. This paper on the plain of China and South Korea nearly run, private higher education in the growth process, the status quo, characteristics (including the authorities of plain near the office, private higher education management, university fund origin, the talented person net job. Vhao. Several net training, teachers strength and international education etc.) were analyzed and compared to more specific. On this basic, hard to summarize the experience and the experience of China and South Korea both public and private, private higher education development, and puts forward the citizens, I do of higher education development strategy, contains perfect government management, tuition fees in addition to other funds proportion of growth, adhere to the talent net job. Vhao. Net to create, to enhance teachers troop construction, innovation and development to teach international and so on several aspects; and the South Korean authorities to private higher education growth over master and teacher evaluation in the process with respect to the shortcomings to be cited that ring. 目录: |