20世纪90年月以来,世界经济全球化和区域经济一体化过程赓续加速,列国经济互相协作和融会水平年夜年夜加强,韩语论文,愈来愈多的国度经由过程签署双边自在商业协议来扩展区内经济协作,推进本身经济增加。中韩两国经济的稳固增加和日趋慎密的经贸关系为两国树立自在商业协议发明了有益前提。本研究依据HS 2位编码将中韩农业部分和制作业部分的家当细分,从生意业务层面和家当构造层面动身,经由过程对两国家当的家当内商业指数、商业专业化指数和显示性比拟优势指数的比拟,剖析中韩农业部分和制作业部分的商业特点、分工构造、互补性和竞争性,找出中韩FTA缔结中的主导家当和瓶颈家当,终究对双边FTA的构建进程中若何减缓这些家当部分调剂累赘,韩语毕业论文,削减抵触提出响应的政策建议。研究的重要结论以下:构建中韩FTA中较敏感的农业部分有:水产物、谷物和蔬菜生果成品等,制作业部分有:光学医疗装备、化工产物、纺织品和电机装备等。对此,中韩两国可从配合寻找敏感家当开放门路、优化两国出口商品构造、以商业方便化的推定来成长商业自在化、寻觅比拟优势和竞争优势家当的联合点展开计谋性竞争协作等几方面尽力,应对自贸区扶植进程中的妨碍与挑衅。 Abstract: Since the beginning of the 1990s, world economic globalization and regional economic integration process accelerate ceaselessly, strengthen the nations economic collaboration and fusion level greatly, an increasing number of countries through signed bilateral free trade agreements to expand economic cooperation within the region, promote the economic growth. The stability of Sino South Korean economic increase and the increasingly close economic and trade relations for the two countries to establish free trade agreement created favorable conditions. This research based on HS 2 bits for encoding the China Korea agriculture and manufacturing part belongings subdivision, from business level and industrial structure level start, through the process in the two countries when belongings business index, trade specialization index and display comparative advantage index comparison, analysis of business characteristics of China Korea agriculture and manufacturing part, structure of division of labor, complementary and competitive, find out the China Korea FTA concluded in leading his possessions and bottleneck belongings and eventually for bilateral FTA construction process how to slow these belongings adjust partial burden and cut resistance response of policy recommendations. Research of the important conclusions are as follows: to construct the FTA between China and South Korea in the sensitive part of Agriculture: aquatic products, Cereals, vegetable and fruit products, such as production, part of the industry: optical and medical equipment, chemical products, textiles and electrical and mechanical equipment and so on. In this regard, China and South Korea can be from the mixture for sensitive belongings open opportunities, China export commodity structure optimization, to commercial convenient presumption to growth of trade liberalization, looking for comparison advantage and competitive advantage, the belongings of the joint launch strategic competition and cooperation and so on several aspects to try to, the FTA construction process in the obstruction and provocative. 目录: 摘要 2-3 Abstract 3 第一章 绪论 6-14 1.1 探讨目的 6-7 1.2 文献综述 7-12 1.3 探讨措施和思路 12 1.4 主要创新点 12-14 第二章 中韩农业部门贸易特征和分工竞争关系略论 14-30 2.1 农产品的定义和分类 14-15 2.2 中韩农业部门贸易特征 15-22 2.2.1 中韩农业部门贸易增长过程 15-19 2.2.2 中韩农业部门贸易结构的变化 19-22 2.3 中韩农业部门分工结构略论 22-24 2.4 中韩农业部门竞争性与互补关系略论 24-30 2.4.1 贸易专业化指数略论 24-26 2.4.2 显示性比较优势指数略论 26-30 第三章 中韩制造业部门贸易特征和分工竞争关系略论 30-44 3.1 制造业产品的定义和分类 30 3.2 中韩制造业部门贸易特征 30-37 3.2.1 中韩制造业部门贸易增长过程 30-33 3.2.2 中韩制造业部门贸易结构的变化 33-37 3.3 中韩制造业部门分工结构略论 37-39 3.4 中韩制造业部门竞争性与互补关系略论 39-44 3.4.1 贸易专业化指数略论 39-41 3.4.2 显示性比较优势指数略论 41-44 第四章 中韩FTA推进存在的主要问题略论 44-58 4.1 中韩农业部门FTA的主要障碍 44-48 4.1.1 中国农产品对韩国出口具有的是低成本优势易受限制 44 4.1.2 通过农业部门贸易扩大来实现中韩FTA的互利比较困难 44-47 4.1.3 韩国贸易保护方法致使贸易摩擦频发 47-48 4.2 中韩制造业部门FTA的主要障碍 48-52 4.2.1 FTA的建立会给两国敏感产业带来冲击 48-49 4.2.2 中国防御性反倾销方法不利于FTA的建立 49-52 4.3 中韩两国产业结构趋同 52-58 4.3.1 产业结构趋同的衡量 52-55 4.3.2 中韩两国产业趋同性表现 55-58 第五章 主要结论及对策建议 58-60 参考文献 60-62 攻读学位期间的探讨成果 62-63 附录 63-74 致谢 74-75 |