한·중 외래어 범주·유형·의미 대조 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-26

The languages are always affected more or less by some other languages and loan words are consequent on that. Globalization has brought more and more loan words to our daily life. There are a lot of loan words in both Korean and Chinese. We are taking...

The languages are always affected more or less by some other languages and loan words are consequent on that. Globalization has brought more and more loan words to our daily life. There are a lot of loan words in both Korean and Chinese. We are taking a contrastive study on their loan words in this article. When a language borrows words from another foreign language, they usually assimilate them with their own phonologic rules, written system and grammatical patterns. So we can not only get the idea of the influence from foreign languages, but also can observe the reaction of themselves by studying their loan words. That would be a special way to contrast the linguistic characteristics of Korean and Chinese.
The definitions, categories and types of loan words in Korean and Chinese will be discussed at first. There are some arguments about the categories of loan words both in Korean and Chinese. The category argument of Korean is focus on loan words,韩语论文题目, foreign languages, domesticating loan words and borrowing words. And category argument of Chinese is free-translation words, hanji from Japan and letter words. We analyse them and try to find out the reasonable classification. Then we choose the most definite types ― phonetic translation words and phonetic & semantic translation words to contrast the loan words of Korean and Chinese.
Then we will observe the redundancy phenomenons, synonymics, semantic changes of loan words in Korean and Chinese. The redundancy phenomenons exist in both loan words of Korean and Chinese, most of redundancy morphemes are used as a explanation behind the phonetic translated parts. And then the synonymous terms that including loan words will be observed. Some of them do have the meanings of existing on the semantic aspect. In the semantic changes part, we use the general concept of reduction, expander and transfer in the semantics to describe the semantic changes of loan words in Korean and Chinese. But we put forward a point that semantic expander should be take observed carefully. Because a loan word has just one or two new meanings different from the source words, we can not predicate it is a semantic expander only by that. If the total meanings of the loan word is less than or as same as the meanings of source words, it wold be a semantic transfer.
We hope this article would be helpful to the language education as a second language of each other, and also be useful to the translation and interpreting between Korean and Chinese.
