광주광역시 도로명 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-26

The propose of this study is to analyze the new words in 〈Gwangju metropolitan city's street names〉 by syllables, word type, meaning. Gwangju metropolitan city's street names has been keep up industry was connected with 'New Address Project' since...

The propose of this study is to analyze the new words in 〈Gwangju metropolitan city's street names〉 by syllables, word type, meaning. Gwangju metropolitan city's street names has been keep up industry was connected with 'New Address Project' since 1997. Study of street names can recognize society, daily life. Besides, It must consider established street names whether it has endowed with properness or not in linguistic view point. Because Administration Language is conservativeness, it isn't turned easily. It must consider new words in linguistic view point at endower time.
Street names was divided into two group front part and rear part. This study was divided into two group, limited subject to front part. Because rear parts was fixed by rule.
In this regard, this study examined the characteristics of street names in Gwangju metropolitan city by analyzing their current conditions, word type, and meaning. The current conditions revealed the distribution state of rear part elements and the syllables of the front part elements of street names. Word type was classified into native language words, Chinese words, foreign words, and hybrid words, and the meanings were classified into the characteristics of existing names, buildings, nature, persons, and region for analyses.
This study analyzed the syllables, word type, and meanings based on 431 street names in Gwangju metropolitan city. When examining the front part elements by syllable, the two-syllable street names formed 270 (62.65%), which had the highest portion in the entire street names. They were followed by 104 four-syllable (24.13%) and 52 three-syllable (12.06%) street names. Five-syllable and six-syllable street names were 3 (0.7%) and 2 (0.46%) respectively, which formed only about 1% of the total street names. In terms of the word type of the front part elements, it was noted that there were 377 Chinese words (87.5%), which were the highest, whereas there were 17 native language words (3.94%). It was also found that there were 30 hybrid words (6.94%) and 7 foreign words (1.62%). When examining the front part elements by meaning, there were 263 cases (66.5%) of using existing names and 35 cases (8.75%) of using buildings as street names. It was also found that there were 46 cases (11.5%) of using natural structures such as ‘flowers, mountains, streams, and lakes’ as street names, 36 cases (9%) of using ‘historical figures or those representing the region,' and 17 cases (4.25%) of using regional characteristics as street names.
Generally speaking, Gwangju metropolitan city's street names was endowed with positive thinking and historical view. Sino-Korean word was very weigh with language life. And it was used to beautiful native words. It expects that was recognized morphological construction through the this study in another occasion.
