가상 공간에서의 언어 오용 실태와 지도 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This thesis is intended to grab the on-going status of languages of juveniles, to observe its problem and abuses, and to find ways for aiming at the correct choice of languages. It is generally believed juveniles' languages fall far out of Hangul's r...

This thesis is intended to grab the on-going status of languages of juveniles, to observe its problem and abuses, and to find ways for aiming at the correct choice of languages.
It is generally believed juveniles' languages fall far out of Hangul's rules of marks and languages thereby, causing confusion in communication and under standing. Internet jargon has especially influenced them to use modified languages finding out current status of juveniles languages.
Firstly, this study enrolled 251 high school students They were given to find the questionnaires current status of communication by PC. Its survey helped find what they think about their own languages.
Secondly, this study emphasis on the survey and its breakdown of their languages though chatting rooms, boards, and E-mail.
Thirdly, this study breaks down such data showing juveniles daily languages as 18volumes of collected diaries written for one year by a class in each high school and the letters, one of subjects for admission to high school, to both their parents and teachers.
As a result, we found that javeniles' languages have largely been influenced by internet jargon. That is to say, there are lots of problems, likely, on writing as per what they hear, intentionally-changing vowels, using short-formed syllables, adding the unnecessary consonants, abusing slang, and profane languages.
inclusive of newly-coined words, wrongly-using borrowed and foreign words, expressing their thoughts by symbols, speaking negatively and scornfully, playing down counter-parts' characteristics and so on.
The following points stand for the problems and abuses which affect juveniles.
Firstly, those are confusions on rules of the national languages.
Secondly, those are leading juveniles to less observation of rules regulation, less emotion, and wide-spreading circumstances to play down the human-being.
Thirdly, those may cause low-profile cultures by using low-profile languages, and pursue just fun and pleasure with simple ways of thinking and activities.
Fourthly, juveniles' languages turn devastating when the prestige of words is being lost and especially in the case of juveniles to falling short of respectful mind for the manner of acting with their friends. It simply leave them less polite and easily causes lack of communication.
The following solutions on the problems raised by juveniles' using languages are offered in the way of education and social surroundings. Firstly, as an educational solution, the first thing to do is that teachers have to exert their positive intention to get juveniles' undesirable choice of languages improved. Juveniles have to recognize, by themselves the problems on their own languages. The education of grammar should be reinforced. And further, more teachers should be obliged to correct wrong choices of words and grammar directly on collected diaries and notebooks. Recommendably, the teachers should let the students, by themselves, have a go at the correction of words when they run into internet jargon, and at surveying examples of wrong choices of words with giving homework or performing play-a-role drama, though which students feel objective.
