중도입국 청소년을 위한 과학 한국어 교재 개발 방안 연구 : 중학교 과정을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

To help immigrant youth learn Korean language faster and more effectively, the scope of the study curriculum may have to be extended to the level of learning the subjects themselves in Korean as well as learning just Korean language itself. Therefor...

To help immigrant youth learn Korean language faster and more effectively, the scope of the study curriculum may have to be extended to the level of learning the subjects themselves in Korean as well as learning just Korean language itself. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to remake an existing science curriculum with Korean language explained as mentioned as above to help immigrant youth under KSL environment better learn the subject of learning. The summary of the present study is as follows. The chapter 1 specifies the aim, the target and method for the present study. Preceding research was helpful to better understand the current status of the development of the curriculum for immigrant youth and integrated study for both curriculum subject and language itself. The chapter 2 describes the concept of CBI(Content-Based Instruction) and identifies its effectiveness of the Sheltered Instruction model for immigrant youth. In addition, the details of the science curriculum for the middle school level such as main concept of knowledge and instruction syllabus. The chapter 3 s a survey result for the pending requirement from the immigrant youth group sizing 66 students with 15 teachers at a relevant school. With this survey result, a syllabus is designed to meet the procedure explained in the reference of the professor J.S. Kim (2003). The chapter 4 demonstrates how to remake the actual curriculum meeting the above requirement in chapter 3. To develop a reading text curriculum by applying remake knowhow of the existing middle school science textbook with keeping the concept SIOP(Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol). To prove the validity of the development, a survey was performed for both the Korean language teachers and science teachers, resulting in supplementing the survey data and compliance. The chapter 5 summarizes the present study with the discussion for the future work. In conclusion, as the number of immigrant youth increases annually according to the inbound population of foreign immigrants and residents in Korea, repeatedly it is necessary to develop a better fit curriculum to help immigrant youth to study the curriculum itself rather than a curriculum just for communication for daily lives.
