부산지역 세대 간 발음 변이에 대한 연구 : /ㄴ-ㄹ/ 연쇄를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Having an assumption that the confusion of /n-l/ sequence among many Koreans was a kind of transitional phenomenon, the study focused on the aspects of /n-l/ sequence actualization in pronunciation. This study's subjects consisted of 18 teenagers and ...

Having an assumption that the confusion of /n-l/ sequence among many Koreans was a kind of transitional phenomenon, the study focused on the aspects of /n-l/ sequence actualization in pronunciation. This study's subjects consisted of 18 teenagers and their parents in Busan. The method of the survey was to categorize the experimental words into person names, place names, temple names, Chinese Korean words, English-Korean words, and pseudo words. After that, the subjects were asked to read “a set of dialogue" and ”a list of words"containing the experimental words in order. In the dialogue, there were 46 words and the list had 80 words, and these two were transcribed into Korean to see how they were pronounced after recording them. Finally, the separated sheet was used to indicate the result, which was analyzed statistically.
