몽골인의 한국어 학습에서 스마트 기기 활용에 영향을 미치는 요인들 간의 구조적 관계 규명 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This research is to explore the way to improve the smart device use when Mongolian resident in Korea learns Korean language. As various Korean businesses entered Mongolia and people who are interested in Korean culture, drama, language increased, ther...

This research is to explore the way to improve the smart device use when Mongolian resident in Korea learns Korean language. As various Korean businesses entered Mongolia and people who are interested in Korean culture, drama, language increased, there appeared Korean language course in the elementary, middle and high national schools. People who choose Korean course are elementary school students, middle school students, college students and employees and so on, Some people decide to go abroad to study. To Mongolian learners to want to learn Korean language because of the social need, Learning Korean language to use smart devices is beneficial for them. The way Mongolian learns Korean is the formal education, private lesson or education in private education institute. As these ways aren't enough, the way to help repeat learning is to use smart devices. The precedent study revealed that smart devices are beneficial for learners who carries them without the limit of time and place when they learn language that repetition is important. So, we conducted the research to find out how much smart devices are helpful to Mongolian learners to learn Korean. This research is to find out the smart devices use and effect when Mongolian students and workers resident in Korea learn Korean and to explore the way to improve them. As this world became globalized, many foreign students who have various nationalities were seen easily. As the foreign students are increased, the research to improve the Korean language was conducted. According to Choi Eun-joo and Kim Ji-young's research ( 2006 ), as merits of smart learning include learners' learning opportunities expansion, access of learning resources, convenience for using necessary data, portability of smart devices, expansion of environment to use wireless internet, there is research result that learners improve the effectiveness of foreign language learning. This research is based on the fact that foreign learners can solve the problem in learning language using smart devices, revealed the structural relation among various factors that are influential in learning Korean language and is expected that this result is useful basic data when the effective strategy is established for spreading smart devices. For this research, we are to select the precedent factors in using smart devices and to reveal the structural relation among the factors. Based on the earlier content, our research is to learning ability improvement using smart devices. The purpose of this research is what factors influenced in learning Korean language and examines the structural relation among the factors. So, we examined the earlier studies and conducted the research based on the UTAUT by Venkatesh. et. al., (2002). The factors that are influential for using smart devices in learning language are selected such as, social influence, effort expectancy, performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, behavial intention, use behavior and we verified the following research. First, when Mongolian learns Korean language, is the structural relation among social influence, effort expectancy, performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, behavial intention, use behavior as influential factors, established? Second, when Mongolian learns Korean language, is the useful direct or indirect relation among social influence, effort expectancy, performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, behavial intention, use behavior as influential factors, existent? The factors are named a, social influence b, performance expectancy c. effort expectancy g. facilitating conditions k. behavial intention m, use behavior. We presupposed the structural model, predicting that the factors can influence the behavior to use smart devices directly or indirectly as medium of behavial intention, verified the relation among the factors and analyzed the data using Structural Equation Model. The survey for the Mongolian students resident in Seoul, workers, employees and multicultural family was conducted and collected total 250 copies. Except no response and poor response among 250 copies, 225 copies were used as analysis data. The research result through the analysis is as in the following. First, performance expectancy about using the smart devices in learning Korean language, the perception, that learning Korean language using smart devices improves the learning performance, has a positive impact on behavial intention. These are consistent with earlier research outcome by UTAUT. As the research is conducted based on the Korean learning situation, the performance expectancy, that smart devices based on the mobility increased the frequency of Korean language exposure and improved the learning performance, has a big influence on the behavial intention compared with others. In developing smart learning contents for korean learners, it is essential for understanding purpose of using smart devices and learners' performance expectancy and developing with technical support to manage the learners' selfdirected management. Second, the effort expectancy about using smart devices in learning language, has little impact on the behavial intention. The expectancy that learner learns how to use and understands the new technology easily isn't high. Among Zhou and his collegues' research(2010) on accepting Mobile Banking, the effort expectancy has little impact on the behavial intention. Third, the social influence, such as the surrounding people's recognition to have to use smart learning and general perception within the group, has impact on the behavial intention. These are consistent with earlier research including UTAUT. Based on the these research results, the effective learning strategy suggested that use of standard group and campaign using the social celebrities. Fourth, as there is the technical infrastructure, the promoting condition
