한국어와 중국어의 원인·이유 접속문에 대한 대조 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A Contrastive Study on Cause·Reason Conjunctive Sentences in Korean and Chinese Both Korean and Chinese have conjunctive sentential constructions conveying the meaning of Cause and Reason. In this study, I investigate the constructions of the two ...

A Contrastive Study on Cause·Reason Conjunctive Sentences in Korean and Chinese Both Korean and Chinese have conjunctive sentential constructions conveying the meaning of Cause and Reason. In this study, I investigate the constructions of the two languages, trying to find the possible sentence patterns of each language and seeking for the correspondence relationships between the two languages. In Korean, I find 9 patterns of the Cause·Reason conjunctive sentences, marked by 9 connective endings, i.e. ‘-아서’, ‘-으니까’, ‘-으므로’, ‘-은즉/은즉슨’, ‘-는지라’, ‘-기에’, ‘-느라고, ‘-느니만큼’, ‘-는답시고'. They are divided into two groups, i.e., ‘Cause conjunctive sentences’ and ‘Reason conjunctive sentences’, on the criterion of compatibility with imperative and propositive mood endings in the following clauses. ‘-아서’ sentences are the representative of the Cause conjunctive sentences. Other patterns pertaining to this group are ‘-은즉/은즉슨’ sentences, ‘-는지라’ sentences, ‘-기에’ sentences, ‘-느라고’ sentences, and ‘-는답시고’ sentences. Reason conjunctive sentences have 3 patterns, i.e. ‘-으니까’ sentences, ‘-으므로’ sentences, and ‘-느니만큼’ sentences. The results of my contrastive investigation are as follows: There are correspondence relationships between the Korean Cause·Reason conjunctive sentences and the Chinese Cause·Reason conjunctive sentences. In Chinese, the Cause·Reason meanings are marked by the conjunctive elements, ‘因為…所以’, ‘由於…所以’, ‘由於…因而’, ‘由於…因此’,‘因此’,‘因而’,‘以至’,‘以致’, and sometimes by an unmarked sequence of two clauses. In modern Chinese, both ‘因為’ and ‘由於’can show the Cause and Reason relationships, but the use of ‘因為’ has a wider range. Not only that, there are subtle differences between ‘因為’and ‘由於’. This study emphasizes that ‘因為’ has the tendency to convey the causality based on objective facts, while ‘由於’ conveys the reason for the subjective judgment. Therefore, the Korean ‘-아서’ Cause conjunctive sentences correspond to ‘因為…所以’ sentences most appropriately. And ‘-으니까’ Reason conjunctive sentences correspond to ‘由於…所以’ sentences most appropriately. Reason sentences of ‘-으니까, -으므로, -느니만큼’ can correspond to Chinese ‘既然…就’, ‘…就’ sentences, if the following clause is of imperative mood or is of verb copying construction in Chinese. The Korean ‘-은즉/은즉슨’ Cause sentences are not able to correspond to the Chinese ‘因為…所以’ Cause sentences. In this case, sentences using the verb ‘根據’ or unmarked conjunctive sentences, i.e. unmarked sequence of two clauses, can be used. ‘-는지라’ corresponds to ‘因為…所以’, ‘由於…所以/因而/因此’, and so on, in Chinese. But, ‘-는지라’ sentences, used basically in written language expressions, can correspond to ‘因為…所以’ sentences, which are the regular Cause conjunctive sentences in Chinese. Conjunctive sentences marked by ‘以至’, ‘以致’ are other options. ‘-기에’ sentences are also used in written expressions, so can correspond to ‘因為…所以’ sentences in Chinese. However, they are not easy to correspond to ‘以至’, ‘以致’ sentences, which are used in written expressions in Chinese. Interestingly, ‘-기에’ sentences whose following clauses are in interrogative mood can appropriately correspond to ‘到底…就’ sentences in Chinese. It is difficult to find a complete correspondence between Korean ‘-느라고’ Cause conjunctive sentences and Chinese Cause conjunctive sentences. ‘-느라고’ sentences tend to correspond to sentences initiating with the conjunctive element ‘為了’ in Chinese. ‘-는답시고’ is also not able to naturally correspond to the Cause sentences in Chinese. It tends to correspond to Chinese unmarked conjunctive sentences.

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