담화표지로서의 보조사 교육 연구 : 한국어 고급학습자를 대상으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this study is to suggest an educational method of teaching Korean language specifically the usage of auxiliary particle to advanced learners. Auxiliary particle can be defined as a discourse marker such as a discourse unite marker, a di...

The purpose of this study is to suggest an educational method of teaching Korean language specifically the usage of auxiliary particle to advanced learners. Auxiliary particle can be defined as a discourse marker such as a discourse unite marker, a discourse information marker or a speaker’s intention marker. Korean language educational method focuses mainly on conversation to the extent of neglecting the importance of grammar. Almost Korean language texts are composed of expressions used in conversation instead of grammar. These aspects of changes contributed to ensure the fluency in accordance with the conditions spoken by function of extending the communication skills of the Korean language learners are obvious facts. However, in the context of communication, fluency should be based on accuracy. It does not carry out smooth communication when it is not accurate collateral in the understanding of the listener and the expression of the speaker’s intention. In particular, the diverse and complex communication processes of advanced Korean learner is more finely requested. As structure- focused teaching and research for the negotiation type training progresses, the importance of grammar is resurfaced. It may be an indirect proof of these reasons. Therefore, in this study, attention is paid to the ability to achieve success in communication in the context of complex communication discourse focused on grammar education of advanced learners. For this reason, the concept of auxiliary particle as discourse markers was established. Based on this theory, auxiliary particle as a discourse marker is a functional word to organize discourse structures and an organization with information and pragmatic function. Communication is accurate and up smoothly when it is based on situations and sociocultural background of the speaker and the listener. In this process, auxiliary particle is in charge of function which is for understanding discourse. In this point of view, the function of auxiliary particle as a discourse marker is limited for understanding with beginner and intermediate level of learners because understanding it requires significant levels of vocabulary, grammar and culture. Therefore, in this , educational contents and methods were suggested for advanced learner. So that it can phase of auxiliary particle education, it is extended by discourse dimension exceeding morphological dimension, it presents the educational principles which were proposed in teaching·learning method based on the principle. Depending on the auxiliary particle’s meaning and function as discourse markers, it was divided into unity marker function, marker function of the information and the speaker's intention marker function. In the case of unity marker function, Action area of auxiliary particle extended sentence components to the clause, sentence and paragraph. First of all, the relation between the selected members and the remaining members was set according to ‘neun(는), to(도), man(만), kkaji(까지), jocha(조차), majeo(마저), ya(야), nama(나마), rado(라도)’. The adhesive function of auxiliary particle which was connecting the relation was divided into ‘addition, contrast, change’. ‘addition’ contains ‘to, kkaji, jocha, majeo’, because it is the remaining members as meaning of ‘identity’. Besides ‘contrast’ contains ‘man, ya, nama, rado, neun’ but excludes the remaining members such as ‘man’ as ‘limit’ in selective situations, ‘ya’ in ‘certainty’, ‘nama, rado’ in ‘insufficiency’ and ‘neun’ in ‘contrast’. ‘neun’ explains the relation with ‘switchover’, it means ‘contrast’ and it means ‘switchover’ when ‘neun’ is new information. This discourse unity function is to extend the ability which understands to guess the contents of the discourse that attempts to transfer with connecting text and text, paragraph and paragraphs. For the advanced level of learner, there are times when it is difficult to understand the meaning of the content by professional vocabulary and themes of mutual understanding. Unity marker can also not be familiar with the contents, to infer the status of any structural content, thereby, is to be able to infer to its contents. Based on the above discussion, for advanced learner, stages of auxiliary particle education as discourse markers was proposed by dividing it “to recognize, to understand and to reconstruct the knowledge of grammar." ‘To recognize’ is a step to find a grammar which is used in discourse dimension and to grasp the discourse situation. ‘Understanding’ is a step to grasp the function of auxiliary particle in discourse situation and to understand the principles and the rules. It contains activities to find the meaning and the information with contents of discourse. The procedure in "reconstructing", is based on an understanding of the meaning and auxiliary particle function as discourse markers, it is a step to practice the ability to be reconstituted by applying this to the written language and colloquial style discourse. In this study, rather than grammar as a simple rule for advanced learners, we have proposed to obtain Korean culture and the social dimension of discourse dimension that can also be read until the emotion grammar teaching and learning how to use Korean. It is that by learning a country's language, not only they simply read the sentence to listen to the words, write, but also understanding the intent of the speaker that has been put in the statement to understand the context of the situation that has been put in a conversational auxiliary particle education on the discourse layer so to have the educational value that is being requested for advanced learners. Furthermore, by understanding the structure of discourse and knowing the flow of information, it can be understood to intended speaker who want to be exposed.
