중·고급 토픽 듣기 영역에 나타난 요청화행의 표현 양상에 대한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this study is to help the Koren learning direction of the speech act by looking at the expressed request type and classifying the request speech act in the intermediate and advanced level listening text of TOPIK As discourse ability is ...

The purpose of this study is to help the Koren learning direction of the speech act by looking at the expressed request type and classifying the request speech act in the intermediate and advanced level listening text of TOPIK As discourse ability is important in communicate, request speech act in accordance with the request variables have been studied actively in various part but a study on the topic can not be found. In fact, the learners to take the TOPIK study with exam that took a test and through the dialogue they experience indirectly discourse situation of Korean language. And above all else, request speech act gives a burden and face-threatening acts to listener. so request speech act is greatly influenced by the statement of the situation. Therefore, Pragmatic usage considering the discourse situation is important for request speech act. The speaker in order to ease the hearer's face threats and the pressure uses polite utterance as possible. At the same discourse situation, expression and types of requests are different in accordance with the context of dialogue, the speaker's temperament, the degree of polite and so on. Although the learner speaks without any grammatical errors, If those don't be used properly according to statement, give the rudeness and a misunderstanding to listeners and have no choice but to experience pragmatic failure. A native naturally has learned appropriate utterance through experience as living but the learners are established from textbooks, school lesson, activities out of the classroom and so on. Depending on the situation, any strategy type of request speech act can be used and need to present what is the differences of expression comprehensively to Korean language learner. So this study with this need intended to analyze into the type and expressions of request speech act comprehensively shown in the intermediate and advanced level listening text of TOPIK. For this, in the first chapter, research methods and situational variables were reviewed through preceding studies that studied request speech act of textbooks conversation. In the second chapter, setting the concept and classification criteria of request speech act as a theoretical background for the request speech act and looked at the strategies for successful implementation of request speech act. In the third chapter, around the preceding studies and theoretical background, the research methods and analytical frame in request speech acts were presented. In the forth chapter, refer to the research methods and analytical standards of chapter 3 and analyzed the frequency and expression of request speech act strategy types shown in the intermediate and advanced level listening text of TOPIK. Chapter 5 presents how you can use the results of the study in Korean speech act education. Finally, in chapter 6, limits of this study and suggestions for future research were discussed.
