This study is quasi-experimental study of nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design which applied parent coaching program to multicultural family mothers to look into the effect on depression and parenting stress. Study object consists of mo... This study is quasi-experimental study of nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design which applied parent coaching program to multicultural family mothers to look into the effect on depression and parenting stress. Study object consists of mothers from multicultural family in G district who has immigrated to live a married life. They understood the subject of this study and agreed by letter to participate in program. Inclusion Criteria is as follows: Having children from 1 to 12-year olds, being able to participate in the program, not experiencing parent coaching program, and being able to communicate in Korean. They were divided into experimental group of 22 mothers and control group of 22 mothers. In order to measure depression of multicultural family mothers, study method is CES-D(The Center for Epidermiological Sutdies-Depression Inventory) developed by Radloff(1977) and adapted by Chon(1992). Family health was measured using Family Health standard developed by Eo et al(1995). Marital support was measured using Teamwork, the lower standard of Parenting Alliance Inventory(PAI) which was developed by Abidin(1995) and adapted by Shin(1997). Social support was measured using KSSQ(Korean Social Support Questionnaire) developed by Oh et al(2008). Parenting stress was measured using Immigrant Parental Stress Inventory(IPSI) developed by Yoo & Vonk(2012). Experimental group was provided with parent coaching program twice a week (90 minutes a time) for 3 weeks, making a total of 6 times over 3 weeks from August 3 to August 30, 2015. Pretest-posttest of experimental group and control group was conducted to collect data. First proceeding with consultative meeting with program experts to evaluate and revise parent coaching program, this study developed it for multicultural family mothers. Participants were selected by way of recruit notice and brochure at multicultural families support center as well as internet bulletinboard on the web. To verify equivalence between experimental group and control group, pretest prior to experimental treatment performed to check general characteristics, depression, family health, marital support, social support, and parenting stress of multicultural family mothers. Parent coaching program of experimental group included contents such as parent coaching comprehension, an ideal me, ideal parents, being a happy mom, my sweet home, effective communication, support and celebration. Collected data was analyzed with SPSS WIN 21.0 program. General characteristics of object were compared using the actual numbers and percentages, means and standard deviation. Study tool reliability was calculated with Cronbach’s alpha. Chi-square test and t-test were applied to verify the pretest equivalence between experimental group of parent coaching program and control group. T-test was used for hypothesis verification on dependent variables such as depression, family health, marital support, social support, and parenting stress. After processing of nonequivalent variables into covariables, ANCOVA was applied to verify the hypothesis. The hypothesis verification results of the study were as follows. 1) ‘There would be difference in depression between experimental group taking part in parent coaching program and control group.’ was supported by the result that experimental group(-6.32±5.36) was significantly lower than control group(0.50±3.16) (t=-5.142, p<.001). 2) ‘There would be difference in family health between experimental group taking part in parent coaching program and control group.’ was supported by the result that experimental group(7.14±6.56) was significantly higher than control group(-0.91±1.90) (t=5.529, p<.001). 3) ‘There would be difference in marital support between experimental group taking part in parent coaching program and control group.’ was supported by the result that experimental group(5.00±4.13) was significantly higher than control group(5.00±4.13) (t=6.272, p<.001). 4) ‘There would be difference in social support between experimental group taking part in parent coaching program and control group.’ was supported by the result that experimental group(11.28±12.36) was significantly higher than control group(0.73±7.42) (t=3.430, p=.001). 5) ‘There would be difference in parenting stress between experimental group taking part in parent coaching program and control group.’ was supported by the result that experimental group(-17.28±13.05) was significantly lower than control group(-0.37±2.40) (t=-5.979, p<.001). The above results verify that parent coaching program is effective for multicultural family mothers, relieving depression and parenting stress while enhancing family health, marital support, and social support. Unlike multicultural family mothers who participated in this study and could communicate in Korean, multicultural family mothers-to-be who newly immigrated to live a married life will suffer from depression and parenting stress. The parent coaching program can help then relieve the depression and stress. In addition, it is required to develop an appropriate coaching program considering culture and language of multicultural family mothers which will contribute to reducing loneliness, depression, and parenting stress easily felt at a foreign land.