알츠하이머 치매 환자의 행동심리증상과 돌봄 제공자의 부담감 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Along with increasing of the number of dementia patients, caregiver burden due to behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia(BPSD) in Alzheimer dementia(AD) patients also considered as serious problems. Thus, the path analysis study based on si...

Along with increasing of the number of dementia patients, caregiver burden due to behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia(BPSD) in Alzheimer dementia(AD) patients also considered as serious problems. Thus, the path analysis study based on situation relating theory was conducted to examine the BPSD in AD as well as to verify the factors related with caregiver burden. Total 170 study participants, who visited neurology in tertiary hospital located in Seoul area, were recruited for this study. The data were collected from January 2011 to February 2016 through the survey for the caregivers and the electronic medical record of the patients. The measurement tool included Korean Neuropsychiatric inventory(NPI), Korean version of Mini-mental status examination (MMSE), Short form of Geriatric Depression scale(GDpS), Clinical Dementia Rating(CDR), Korean version of Bathel Activities of Daily Living Index(ADL), and Seoul-Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL). For the data analysis, SPSS Win 22.0 and AMOS 22.0 were used. The findings of this study were as followed: 1. Patients’ BPSD score was 17.676±20.672 and the score of caregivers’ burden was 9.650±11.124. The level of caregivers’ burden was significantly different according to family relationship, CDR, ADL, and IADL. 2. Based on the results by the factor analysis of BPSD, the identified factors were Hyperactivity (Disinhibition, Irritability/Lability, Agitation/ Aggression), Psychosis (Hallucination, Anxiety, Elation/ Euphoria, Delusion, Depression/Dysphoria), Physical behavior (Appetite and eating disorders, Apathy/Indifference, Aberrant motor behavior, Sleep and nighttime behavior disorders). 3. In terms of the level of patients’ symptoms by the characteristics of caregivers and patients, patients’ education level, drinking, CDR, GDpS, ADL, IADL were significant in hyperactivity symptom cluster; CDR, IADL were significant in psychosis symptom cluster; and family relationship, patients’ age, MMSE, CDR, ADL, IADL were significant in physical behavior symptom cluster. 4. Among the factors which affected caregiver burden, CDR, IADL, hyperactivity, psychosis, physical behavior showed positive relationship, and MMSE and ADL showed negative rela- tionship. 5. Based on goodness of fit in modified model, χ2=8.734(p=.189), χ2 /df(1.456), GFI(.985), AGFI(.932), CFI(.996), NFI(.987), IFI(.996), SRMR(.034), RMSEA(.052) was selected for final model. 6. Among the 22 paths in the model, 12 paths were supported. Among the hyperactivity symptom, ADL and IADL showed direct effect and total effect, and among the psychosis symptom, CDR and IADL showed direct effect and total effect. Finally, among the physical behavior symptom, CDR and ADL showed direct effect and total effect. Among the caregiver burden, hyperactivity symptom, psychotic symptom and physical behavior symptom showed direct effect and total effect. To sum, the behavior patterns of Alzheimer dementia were categorized into hyperactivity, psychosis and physical behavior. In accordance with the model, CDR, ADL, IADL affected caregivers’ burden through hyperactivity, psychosis and physical behavior. Hyperactivity, psychosis, and physical behavior symptom had complete mediating effect. Thus, in order to alleviate burden in caregivers, intensive nursing interventions focusing on CDR, ADL, IADL should be developed and practically applied. Base on the findings of this study, by delaying and preventing BPSD in AD patients, caregivers’ burden would be alleviated.
