청소년기 결속표지 발달과 사용 특성 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A cohesive device is a device that creates unity of meaning. Cohesive devices are important in the development of adolescent literacy and the academic achievement of students because they frequently encounter them in various texts or lectures. They ar...

A cohesive device is a device that creates unity of meaning. Cohesive devices are important in the development of adolescent literacy and the academic achievement of students because they frequently encounter them in various texts or lectures. They are also used as a useful measure to express linguistic analysis of the various participants with a disability. They appear more complicated in spoken language than in refined writing. Nevertheless, almost no previous research studies have discussed the colloquial usage characteristics of cohesive devices to target adolescence in Korea. Previous research studied mostly the story-telling ability of disabled school-aged and preschool children, and the characteristics of the use of cohesive devices. The subtypes of cohesive device that are mainly analyzed are connecting eomi, conjunctive adverbs, referential substitutions, lexical cohesion, and ellipses The research related to the use of cohesive device characteristics, language assessment and intervention plans for students with disabilities are also lacking. The cohesive device is important for literacy development and academic achievement of young people. It is also necessary because it can help the language development analysis in many other studies. In this study, the appropriate number of improper use and precision rate of cohesive devices, and the use frequency and ratio of subtypes (connecting eomi, conjunctive adverbs, referential substitution, lexical cohesion) were investigated depending on each grade group. The subjects of this study totaled 60 students; 20 students each of junior high school 2nd graders, high school 2nd graders , and university 2nd graders in Seoul,Gyeonggido and Gangwondo. The study subjects were selected from the students who have an IQ of over 80 in a non-verbal intelligence test (K-CTONI-2) of geometry. These students were also ed not to have sensibility disorders, behavioral disorders, physical disabilities, and developmental disabilities. The 2 tools used in the study were interview format 'Peer conflict resolution' (Nippold et al., 2007) and 'Movie recommendation' (Wiig et al., 2013)' that were translated and changed to fit Korean culture. 'Peer conflict resolution' is a set of questions after reading 4 brief paragraphs and a short article, and 'movie recommendation' just consists of questions without paragraphs. A total of 18 structured interview questions were used. Experiments were carried out using non-verbal intelligence tests (K-CTONI-2), and then the main test in a quiet and independent space for about 30-40 minutes. In this study, the oral data were collected and transferred to T-unit within a week. Cohesive devices were analyzed based on Korean narrative assessment (Pae et al,. Publishing in preparation), Park(2007), Lee(2007), and Lee(2005), with modification to connecting eomi, conjunctive adverbs, referential substitution, and appropriate and inappropriate lexical cohesion. The standards of appropriateness and inappropriateness were based on Gwon & Pae(2006), and Lee (2005). One-way ANOVA was used for the statistical analysis for appropriate and inappropriate use of cohesive devices, and Multivariate Analysis of Variance: MANOVA was used for the analysis of usage frequency and usage rates of subtype. Tukey analysis was used for the significant difference of dependent variables. There was a significant difference in frequency usage of appropriate cohesive devices in accordance with the grade groups, and there was a significantly higher frequency of cohesive devices used by university students compared to high and junior high school students. There was a significant difference in inappropriate use of cohesive devices frequency. It was significantly higher in university students than junior high school students. This shows that university students use cohesive devices more frequently regardless of appropriateness, and high and junior school students show similar frequencies of cohesive device usage. In addition, although not statistically significant, the frequency of cohesive device usage is higher for university students, high school students, and junior high school students respectively, and there was a gradual increase of the frequency of usage as the subjects get older. Second, there was no significant difference in the precision of cohesive devices. It means that there is a higher frequency of cohesive device usage by university students, but there is also higher frequency of inappropriate use. Precision rates of appropriate use is similar in all grade groups. Thirdly, the frequency of use of subtypes of cohesive devices showed a significant difference. Connecting eomi, conjunctive adverbs, referential substitution and lexical cohesion showed significant differences. The analysis showed that connecting eomi and conjunctive adverbs were used by university students significantly more frequently than by high and junior high school students, and referential substitution and lexical cohesion were used by university students significantly more frequently than by junior high school students. This means that university students used all subtypes highly frequently, connecting eomi and conjunctive adverbs were used less by both and junior high school students, but the use of referential substitution and lexical cohesion is similar for high, junior high school and university students. Fourth, Rate of cohesive device subtypes showed no significant differences, but conjunctive adverbs showed significance when analyzed by each subtype group. conjunctive adverbs were used by university students more frequently than high and middle school students. This means that university, high school and junior high school students use all subtypes of cohesive devices similarly, except for conjunctive adverbs. The Squared value showed a strong explanation for conjunctive adverbs, connecting eomi, referential substitutions, and lexical cohesion respectively. The result of this study showed that the development of cohesive devices is gradual and the frequency of improper use of cohesive devices is not small even in early adulthood. In addition, frequency of use ofconjunctive adverbs showed a significant difference, and there was limited use by junior high and high school compared to university students in the frequency and rate of connecting adverb usage. In addition, subtype usage rates did not differ, but the frequency of use of connecting eomi is higher for university students than high and junior school students. Connecting eomi was also the most used subtype by each grade group. This explains that connecting eomi play a unique role in Korean language, and it also confirms that connecting eomi must be included when analyzing Korean cohesive devices to support the previous studies. This study examined the cohesive devices used by adolescent and adult students taking into consideration the characteristics of Korean cohesive devices. The study can be very useful for case study reference because it examined the characteristics of junior high, high school and university students in short interview questions, and it has significance in that it suggested the basic data for the discourse evaluation of adolescent students.
