한국어‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’와 중국어‘能’의 양태 표현 대비 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27


在学习韩国语的过程中,情态表现的习得和时态、尊敬法的习得一样重要,是语言学习中必不可少的组成部分。学习者都希望使用恰当的情态表现来实现流畅的沟通。 韩国语和汉语的情态表现体系庞大而复杂,韩国语中的情态表现不仅数量多,而且同一个表达形式具有的意义不只一个,这就造成了韩国语使用者在表达时的混乱。虽然汉语中的情态表现形式相对较少,但表达形式灵活,情态助动词用法多样,对汉语学习者来说,很难准确应用。本文在韩中情态表现语义、句法对比的基础上,对韩国语的‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’和汉语的“能”进行对比研究,主要从语义、句法、语用三个方面进行,主要包括四个部分。 第一,在绪论部分主要探讨本文的研究目的和意义,以及韩中情态表现及韩国语的‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’和汉语的“能”等有关的研究现状,明确研究对象和指明使用的研究措施。 第二,韩语论文题目,作为韩国语‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’和汉语“能”对比的理论背景,在第二部分主要探讨情态的基本概念和分类,韩中情态表现的体系特征,并对韩中情态表现的特征进行语义、句法方面的对比,韩语论文题目,从而概括出两者的不同点和相同点。 第三部分对韩国语的‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’和汉语的“能”进行了具体的对比研究,分别从认识情态、道义情态、动力情态[ 여기에 나온 용어는 彭利贞의 《现代汉语情态研究》(2005)에서 인용한다.]三个方面进行对比,每一个方面又从语义、句法和语用的角度进行对比。在认识情态中,韩国语的‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’对应汉语的“可能”;在道义情态中,韩国语的‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’对应汉语的表示许可意义的‘能’;在动力情态中,韩国语的‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’对应汉语的表示能力的“能够”。 第四部分作为结论,总结前文的主要内容,并指出文章的不足和今后的研究方向。笔者希望通过本文能对两国语言的学习者起到一定的帮助。 关键词:情态表现;语义;句法;语用;对比

In the process of learning Korean, the acquisition of modal expression just as important as the acquisition of tense and honorific. The modal performance is an essential part in linguistics. Learners want to use the appropriate modal performance to ac...

In the process of learning Korean, the acquisition of modal expression just as important as the acquisition of tense and honorific. The modal performance is an essential part in linguistics. Learners want to use the appropriate modal performance to achieve smooth communication. Korean and Chinese in large and complex modal expression system. In Korean modal expression capacity is not only much, and the meaning of the same expression form has more than one,this creates chaos in the foreign users in the expression.Although the Chinese modal performance less than modal expression form of Korean, for foreign language learners,because of the flexible expression of Chinese,the appropriate application will not be easy. In this , on the basis of semantic and grammar contrast of modal expression in Korean and Chinese,compared to the Korean‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’ and the Chinese‘能’, and mainly from the semantics, syntax, using the following three aspects. this mainly includes four parts. First, in the introduction part mainly discusses the purpose and significance of this study, as well as the modal performance of Korean and Chinese, and Korean‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’ and the Chinese‘能’of the current state of research, clear the object of study and use of research methods. Secondly,as a Korean‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’ and the Chinese‘能’comparative and theoretical background, in the second part mainly discusses the concept and classification of modality,and the characteristic of modal expression systems in Korean and Chinese.Contrast the performance and characteristics of modality in semantic and grammatical aspects. In the third part,comparative studied concretely about the Korean‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’ and the Chinese‘能’from understanding modality, obligation modality and motivation modality. Comparing the three aspects of every aspect and compared from the perspective of semantics,grammar and using. In understanding modality, Korean‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’ corresponding Chinese‘可能’;In obligation modality, Korean‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’ corresponding to the said license of Chinese‘能’; In motivation modality, Korean‘-ㄹ/을 수 있다’ corresponding to the meaning of ability Chinese‘能够’. The fourth part as the conclusion, summarizes the main content of the above, and points out the deficiency of the article and the research direction in the future. The author hopes this article can have some help to learners of language of the two countries. Key words: modal performance; semantics; syntax; using; contrast
