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한국어 중·고급 학습자를 위한 유의어 변별 연구 : TOPIKⅡ 문항에서 제시된 유의어의 결합 구성 분석을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A Study on Synonym Discrimination for Intermediate-Advanced Korean Learners : Focusing on Combination Structure Analysis of Synonym presented in TOPIK Ⅱ questions This study is to extract and list synonym covered in Test Of Proficiency In Korean ...

A Study on Synonym Discrimination for Intermediate-Advanced Korean Learners : Focusing on Combination Structure Analysis of Synonym presented in TOPIK Ⅱ questions This study is to extract and list synonym covered in Test Of Proficiency In Korean (TOPIK) for synonym teaching and learning ofintermediate-advanced korean learners and discriminate synonyms by analysis focusing on combination structure. To begin with, in chapter 1, it reveals the objective of this study, and reviews the previous studies related to synonym discrimination. And it describes synonym discrimination to research in this and research methods in detail. In chapter 2, it reviews theoretical background prior to discriminating synonym. It defines synonym that has been discussed so far, and by examining several discrimination methods used for synonym meaning discrimination, compares their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, it examines synonym analysis methods attempted in Korean language education and explores application possibility to this study In chapter 3, it extracts synonym from previously appeared questions of 10 rounds of Test Of Proficiency In Korean (TOPIK) recently opened, analyzes the results round by round, and examines differences before and after revise. In addition, it analyzes area by area, part of speech by part of speech and finally lists selected synonym group in accordance with the rating. In chapter 4, it examines synonym discrimination standard, and discriminates 21 synonym groups selected in chapter 3. First, it reveals kinds of word, frequency of use, and learning rating, and through the analysis of dictionary example sentences, corpora usage, and combination frequency, analyzes and presents combination information such as substantives, declinable word, adverb and comprehensively integrated information, including idiomatically used fixed expression. Finally, in chapter 5, it summarizes contents that have been discussed so far, and presents the significance of this research. The significance of this research can be found in that it is not confined to the areas not covered properly in the Test Of Proficiency In Korean (TOPIK) in synonym discrimination studies so far and it is targeting all areas of previously appeared questions. However, because this case study has been targeted at the recent 10 rounds of previously appeared questions opened, it remains regrettable not to analyze all the previously appeared questions from the 1st round to current round. Also because synonym discrimination results presented in this study are presented combination structure as a whole and seem a little complicated depending on the level of the learner, it suggests utilization plan that it is more effective for synonym learning if properly selected and utilized.
