중국유학생들의 전공 선택 동기가 전공만족에 미치는 영향에 있어 대학생활적응의 조절효과 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The necessity personal interchange is increasing due to globalization in current international society. As the globalization trend of the world, there are many foreign students studying in Korea, especially, number of Chinese students are rapidly grow...

The necessity personal interchange is increasing due to globalization in current international society. As the globalization trend of the world, there are many foreign students studying in Korea, especially, number of Chinese students are rapidly growing year by year. The foreign students might experience cultural adjustment stress due to cultural difference while studying at college in Korea, not their motherland college, and other overall national difference and cultural shock, and might even experience maladjustment to college life. This study aims to understand the relationship between major selection motivation and major satisfaction of Chinese students who occupy the large share of foreign students in Korea based on the necessity of study for major selection motivation of foreign students, and verify the control effect of relationship between major selection motivation and major satisfaction for the adjustment of college life of Chinese students. In order to achieve the goal, the study conducted survey with Chinese students who go to college located in Jeollanam-do Province from April 7th, 2016 to April 15th, 2016, and total 233 copies were collected out of 300 copies. Among those, the 16 copies with insincere answers were excluded and used 217 copies for the study. The collected data were processed with SPSS 18.0, the statistics program to conduct frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis and moderator regression analysis to verify the hypothesis. The deducted study results following analysis result of actual proof are as follows. First, when analyzing the relationship between major selection motivation and major satisfaction of Chinese students, the immanent motivation among major selection motivation had positive influence to major satisfaction. In other words, the higher the immanent motivation is, the higher the major satisfaction is. However, the extrinsic motivation did not have significant influence statistically. Next, as for the control effect to college life adjustment, first when verifying the difference of influence of major selection motivation to major satisfaction regarding the physical and psychological college life adjustment of Chinese students, the higher one aware immanent motivation, the higher the major satisfaction is, and showed control effect to physical and psychological college life adjustment and showed higher major satisfaction. Second, when verifying the difference of influence of major selection motivation to major satisfaction regarding the educational adjustment of college life, the higher one aware immanent motivation, the higher the major satisfaction is, and the extrinsic motivation did not have significant influence. However, when inserting control variables to educational adjustment and highly aware of extrinsic motivation, the major satisfaction increases. Third, when verifying the difference of influence of major selection motivation to major satisfaction regarding the adult student relationship, the higher the immanent motivation is , the higher the major satisfaction is, and showed control effect to adult student relationship adjustment and showed higher major satisfaction. Fourth, when verifying the difference of influence of major selection motivation to major satisfaction regarding the adjustment of college studying, the higher the immanent motivation is, the higher the major satisfaction is, and the extrinsic motivation did not have significant influence to major satisfaction. Fifth, when verifying the difference of influence of major selection motivation to major satisfaction regarding the general student relationship adjustment, the higher the immanent motivation is, the higher the major satisfaction is, and the extrinsic motivation did not have significant influence to major satisfaction. However, when inserting control variables to educational adjustment and highly aware of extrinsic motivation, the major satisfaction increases. Finally, when verifying the difference of influence of major selection motivation to major satisfaction regarding the external situation adjustment, the higher the immanent motivation is, the higher the major satisfaction is, and the extrinsic motivation did not have significant influence to major satisfaction. However, when inserting control variables to educational adjustment and highly aware of extrinsic motivation, the major satisfaction increases. Based on the study result, the students must be chosen by not just simple TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) test but conduct advance verification such as aptitude and interest test, career path they will pursue after graduation, or the major selection motivation. Also, to give confidence to the foreign students, the schools need to put their effort the support students to adjust into Korean culture and life physically and psychologically by providing program that they can set attainable goal to have confidence, and to enjoy cultural exchange and community activity with Korean students to ultimately increase the educational adjustment of foreign students. Moreover, the college should provide efforts to provide communication for foreign students to freely talk about the problems by running counseling center for Chinese students, efforts to relieve the homesickness and loneliness, efforts to solve financial difficulties due to family circumstances and other external situation to lead foreign students to enjoy successful studying abroad. Keyword : Major selection motivation, major satisfaction, college life adjustment
