Onomatopoeia is often used in our daily life. Using onomatopoeia can express objects, people, sounds of nature more lively. Different from other words, onomatopoeia can express sounds so instinctively that people can feel more lively. Compared to se...
Onomatopoeia is often used in our daily life. Using onomatopoeia can express objects, people, sounds of nature more lively. Different from other words, onomatopoeia can express sounds so instinctively that people can feel more lively. Compared to sentence espressed in adverb or adjective, sentence expressed in onomatopoeia can show formula effect. Using onomatopoeia makes expression more concrete and descriptive, so that people can know the sounds immediately.
According to the introducing of foreign words and chinese language, as the native language onomatopoeia will be valuable language assets. Onomatopoeia is not nearly effected by foreign words and is the special part difficult to translate. Also it would be noticeable that onomatopoeia isn’t fossilized words listed in the dictionary, and it is produced everyday and continually generated words.
Overall korea and china two countries, in a quantitative respect, korean onomatopoeia is more than chinese onomatopoeia. It is because the phonology of korea and china is different. In korea, the letter can be wrote just as sound itself, and in china, the letter are wrote following the meaning so that writing as sound would be restricted. Compare to korean onomatopoeia, china exists many different dialects, so there is not yet exact statistics about onomatopoeia in china.
Studying foreign language is difficult because there are many phonological, morphological, grammatical differences in korean and chinese. Even the advanced learners would be feel difficult if not understand the countries language features and culture. It is because the onomatopoeia that’s not the essential elements of sentences was isolated due to the foreign language teaching focused on communication. It is inconvenienced by not having dictionary for studying onomatopoeia. When studying korean onomatopoeia and chinese onomatopoeia, we can refer to 『Korean-Chinese Dictionary』 or 『Chinese-Korean Dictionary』. But the sounds like “ChikChik PokPok(칙칙폭폭)” translated in chinese were “Hehe(哧哧)”, “Pupu(噗噗)”, “Longlong(隆隆)”, “Tutu(突突)”. That would be cause confusing between the leaners. Through comparing two counties onomatopoeia and finding out the common feature and difference feature, so hope to be a good reference to increase capacity like expressiveness, listening skills, translation ability of advanced leaners.
Based on this awareness, this collects the onomatopoeia listed on representative korean and chinese dictionaries, and reviews the configuration features of korean onomatopoeia and chinese onomatopoeia and the mutual correspondence analysis and the method of translation.
The ’s construction is below.
In introduction, clarity the purpose and necessity, settle research content and scope, method, and review about prior researches. In chapter 2, introduce about basic concept of onomatopoeia and review about word class of two counties onomatopoeia. In chapter 3, compare two countries onomatopoeia’s features of construction and number of syllables. Specially focus on onomatopoeia as noun, verb and abjective. In chapter 4, categorize korean-chinese onomatopoeia in the sound of animal, nature, object depending on the meaning and compare in the minimum unit. In chapter 5, through the translation example present the method of translation about onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia doesn’t convey conceptual meaning and is using for developing semantic representation function, so it can’t be find in the theoretical books giving informations. For such reason this selected lively text as children’s novels to proceeding discussion.
This ’s finally purpose is to offer clues of korean-chinese translation. But rather than discusses about translation, it focuses on comparing of korean-chinese onomatopoeia as the foundation work of translation.