팝업북을 활용한 결혼이주여성 대상 한국 문화 교육 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A Plan of Korean History and Culture Education to Immigrated Married Women Using Pop-up Book This study tried to research an education plan to carry out Korean history and culture lesson efficiently to immigrated married women using pop-up book. Po...

A Plan of Korean History and Culture Education to Immigrated Married Women Using Pop-up Book

This study tried to research an education plan to carry out Korean history and culture lesson efficiently to immigrated married women using pop-up book. Pop-up book is a type of three-dimensional book that is flung spread out or springs out when you open the book. Generally history education is not conducted actively because of the high pressure of study, or lacking of specialized textbooks or teachers. The immigrated married women are special learners who have to take child caring and education, settling down in Korea. It is necessary fo rthem to understand Korean culture, especially historical culture. Therefore, this study tried to present a plan of easy, interesting and practical history and culture education to immigrated married women using pop-up book.
The immigrated married women go through culture shock and culture conflict due to the social and cultural difference from their mother land in Korean society with strong principle of pure bloodline. They seem to get through a culture stress totally different from academy-oriented or employment-oriented Korean learners. They are not temporary sojourners, but permanent immigrants, coming over to Korea with almost no information or knowledge of Korean language or culture.tion Nonetheless immigrated married women have much trouble while living in Korea as necessary pre-education to Korean culture has not sufficiently been carried out due to various reasons, and because of not much opportunities to education even after marriage. For quick adjustment of the immigrated married women to Korean society, education Korean as well as Korean history and culture seem necessary. Culture education must be one of very useful methods to be able to live a subjective and active life as a proud member of korean society.
A new role is added to immigrated married women as childcarers and education supporters as mothers of the children who will live as Korean. Quite a lot of time has passed since immigrated married women began to appear, so their children now grew and became school age as much as the accumulated time. There are 48,297 elementary school students from multi-culture family. Their mothers, the immigrated married women will need many-sided and wide understanding of Korean culture in conducting children education. Especially understanding of Korean culture and history is urgently needed to support children's learning through elementary curriculum and to do a significant communication.
As a result, Korean culture and history education will be nutrition for immigrated married women to be able to accustomed to and live a subjective life in Korean society, and can be an active motivation as parents to support children's learning.
Recently Korean society has seen raised voice to intensify history education as interest is raised in Dokdo issue and reunification. Accordingly, history education was intensified with elementary sociology subject revised in 2009, while history is supposed to be included in college entrance exam as a compulsory subject in 2017. In short, there is no different opinion about intensified history education. All Korean people including immigrated married women and their children will be objects.
However, history and culture education in reality has difficulties in carrying out no matter how strong the need of learners. The reason is lack of textbooks of history and culture education, lack of specialized teachers and lack of interesting education program. 'History' as a subject also seems a stiff, boring and difficult subject or seems not to need to learn separately in daily life besides academic purpose.
This research drew out learners' special situation of those immigrated married women as objects of education and tried to define the significance of history and culture education. They play the role of mother as foreign language learners and supporters of children education, and need cultural capacity through history and culture lesson. This research found the merit and educational effect of pub-up book and analyzed real cases, when using pub-up book to ensure a useful and interesting history and culture lesson for immigrated married women learners. The class satisfaction of each learner, effect and what is lacking were found out through real cases of history and culture lesson to immigrated married women using pub-up book and through interview. Necessities for history and culture lesson to be more developed were also revealed by interviewing teachers.
A history and culture lesson to immigrated married women was designed and a teaching-learning plan was presented by reflecting the good result of above investigation and something to improve. The principle of culture education was reconsidered to select which content for the history and culture lesson to immigrated married women. 8 themes of history and culture lesson were selected, and practical reading and listening material and speaking activity were suggested. A teaching plan of the learning effect acquired through such lesson and how to apply it at home were also reflected to teaching plan.
Immigrated married women are not temporary sojourners, but permanent immigrants to Korean society. We should help them live not as the social weak, but one of proud Korean citizens. We should also help them get nutrition through Korean culture education in educating children who will carry on future Korean society. Such education is not an option but a requisite. Such kind of step is expected to grow bigger in Korean education.
