동화를 활용한 한국어 읽기 교육 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This research is about studying for teaching methods for the reading skill of teaching immigrant married women in a more understanding and interesting way about Korean reading with fairy tale. The purpose of this thesis is to improve immigrant wom...

This research is about studying for teaching methods for the reading skill of teaching immigrant married women in a more understanding and interesting way about Korean reading with fairy tale.
The purpose of this thesis is to improve immigrant women's reading skill and help them to use Korean easily in their daily life.
In Chapter 1, I have surveyed the many reading education in Korean, and rearched the real condition of the immigrant married women.
In Chapter 2, I have investigated the fundamental concept of reading and ability of reading. there is a need of reading skill to immigrant married women and also try to improve students reading skill.
In Chapter 3, explain roughly the fairy tale that uses in this thesis. fairy tale can be devided into two types, traditional fairy tale, and creative fairy tale.
I have present the standard selection of fairy tale then, introduce the ten fairy tale that have selected.
In Chapter 4, I have investigated the linguistic characteristic of immigrant married women.
In Chapter 5, I have suggested the purpose of reading education, then present the act of first reading, second reading, final reading.
This thesis finds how immigrant women can learn Korean reading skills, and improve their reading, writing, listening, speaking.
However, there is a breaking point that I coundn't apply to real Korean learning place. but fairy tale can improve immigrant married women's language ability and help their children's language development.
