베트남 남부 방언을 쓰는 학습자를 위한 한국어 발음 교수 학습 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The objective of this study is to present an educational method to effectively teach and learn Korean pronunciation. To achieve this, the Vietnamese and Korean phonological systems were contrastively analyzed, pronunciation errors committed by learner...

The objective of this study is to present an educational method to effectively teach and learn Korean pronunciation. To achieve this, the Vietnamese and Korean phonological systems were contrastively analyzed, pronunciation errors committed by learners were analyzed and categorized, and the cause of these errors were examined using experimental phonetics. Based on the results, an effective pronunciation education method is presented and was verified by conducting a survey to learners who performed a self-evaluation on themselves.
In chapter 1, the objective of this study and the importance of pronunciation education, as well as the necessity of pronunciation education based on a contrastive analysis of the native language and target language of learners, and the necessity of this research based on the limitations of preceding research is presented. Also, the reasons for limiting the research subjects, as well as the research method is presented.
Chapter 2 consists of preceding research and theoretical background related to this study. The theoretical background includes contrastive linguistics and error analysis, and pronunciation education of a foreign language.
In chapter 3, a contrastive analysis of the Korean and Vietnamese phonology and phonetics was performed and based on this, the similarities and differences of the two languages are presented. The pronunciation errors by learners were predicted based on the contrastive analysis of syllable structures, and phonemes and allophones.
In chapter 4, using the contents from chapter 3, the pronunciation errors of actual learners were analyzed over two steps. For each and every analysis, the speaking and reading pronunciation of university students majoring in Korean in Vietnam were recorded. In the first step of the analysis, to identify error patterns, the recordings of the learners saying their self-introduction and reading from a textbook were analyzed. In the second step, words and sentences where errors were committed that were exposed in the first experiment were used in a speech experiment and the results from this experiment were analyzed. The errors discovered over these two steps were categorized and analyzed based on whether the cause of the error happened between the two languages or the error was internal within the language. The results of this analysis are as follows:
Firstly, due to the complexity of Korean, within-language errors included initial sound errors committed where the Korean lax, aspirated, and tense sounds could not be distinguished. With Korean medials, errors included diphthongs pronounced as monophthongs. With final sounds, final double consonant were not pronounced correctly. Also, when connecting syllables, there were errors because of a lack of awareness of phonological rules.
Secondly, between-language errors included intial consonants being substituted with Vietnamese consonants that occur in the same position of articulation, due to interference of Vietnamese. In particular, there were many instances of Korean lax consonants were substituted with Vietnamese voiced consonants. In terms of medials, there were many instances of the Korean /?/ being pronounced with the Vietnamese /?/ or /?/. Also, due to the influence of the Southern Vietnamese dialect, there were many errors of /a/ being pronounced as /?/. Due to the influence of Vietnamese coda, there were errors where /k/ was pronounced as /t/, /n/ as /ŋ/, /t/ as /k/, /l/ as /ø/, /l/ as /n/, /l/ as /ŋ/, /ŋ/ as /n/, and /ŋ/ as /m/. In addition, when connecting syllables, there were many instances where they were connected in a Vietnamese way.
In chapter 5, based on the analysis results from chapter 4, teaching and learning methods were produced according to the cause of the errors.
Firstly, through practice and using the structure of the mouth, learners can distinguish the differences between the phonemes of their native language and Korean at positions of articulation and become aware of fundamentals of the phonological rules of Korean.
Secondly, through practice and using hand movements, learners can become aware of the differences of the manner of articulation of Korean phonemes.
Thirdly, using a speech analysis program, learners can become aware of the differences in voice information of Korean and Vietnamese phonemes and they can confirm their own pronunciation information.
Fourthly, using games and corpus, learners can become aware of the phonological rules.
Lastly, to improve upon learners using the Vietnamese style of pronouncing each syllable individually, have learners use a shadow technique where they follow along with a native Korean speakers pronunciation.
To verify the effectiveness of the teaching and learning method designed in this study, demonstration classes were taught to second-year learners studying Korean at a four-year university in the Ho Chi Minh City area starting from January to February 2015, 3 times a week, for 4 weeks, with a total class time of 24 hours. After the completion of the classes, to examine what type of influence the educational method designed in this study had on improving the learner's Korean pronunciation awareness and ability, a survey was conducted with the learners performing a self-evaluation themselves. The results were that overall there was a growing understudying of Korean pronunciation and learners were able acquire an effective method of practicing pronunciation by themselves and learn the causes of their pronunciation errors.
The limitation of this research was that the experiment was unable to be conducted on learners of various levels and on large number of learners, as well as the response of learners over a long term. However, there were a number of meaningful results from this study. First, using a contrastive analysis and error analysis of Vietnamese and Korean syllable structure, system of phonemes and allophones, a teaching and learning method was designed. Secondly, to analyze the learners' pronunciation, experimental phonetic methods were used, raising reliability of this analysis results. Finally, learners were able to raise their understanding of Korean pronunciation in a short amount of time. Moving forward, items that were missing from this study will continue to be researched and applied to Korean education for learners from Vietnamese-speaking areas.
