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국제음성기호를 활용한 한국예술가곡 노랫말 표기 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A Study on the Measures of the Marking Lyrics of Korean Ga-gok(Art Songs) Using International Phonetic Alphabets and Counterfeit Words Hong, Seungyoun Department of Music Graduate School Kyungsung University Advisor : Professor Park, M...

A Study on the Measures of the Marking
Lyrics of Korean Ga-gok(Art Songs) Using International Phonetic Alphabets
and Counterfeit Words

Hong, Seungyoun

Department of Music
Graduate School
Kyungsung University

Advisor : Professor Park, Mikyung


The aim of this study is to find an easier way for foreign classical singers to read the lyrics of Korean Ga-gok(art songs) and to prepare them to use a certain and easy manual of IPA in Korean. Although the IPA Research Center in Korea provides a system for using it and the Ministry of Education in Korea issues 'the system of Romanizing Korean', they are not easy and exact enough for foreign classical singers to get precise pronunciation in the manner of reading. For example, the IPA symbol of ‘ɨ’, stands for '으‘, a Korean vowel, but the symbol does not help them to produce the accurate sound of it, nor imagine what it sounds like.

The procedure of the study follows 3 steps; first, setting the most appropriate IPA for Korean vowels and consonants, second, setting the counterfeit words to Korean vowels and consonants which contain the closest sounds from Italian, German, French, English and Latin, and third, testing them to foreign singers who have experienced singing and know about IPA. For the study 32 participants who have never learned Korean, but IPA, were randomly chosen and interviewed individually in New York, New York. Their range of singing experience is from 4 to 52 years. While testing, each examinee was given three different types of requests. First, I wanted them to write the IPAs after listening to the Korean words that I read. Second, I had each examinee read only the IPAs that stand for Korean vowels and consonants. Lastly, I had them read the IPAs again with the counterfeit words from one of the 5 languages.

The results of the test were tremendously distinctive. All examinee found reading the IPAs that were provided with the counterfeit words from the 5 languages to be easier and more accurate. Conversely, they had difficulty reading the IPAs that provided only Korean vowels and consonants. As a result of this study, a manual which contains the instructions of the IPA for certain lyrics in Korean art songs and some similar words including Italian, German, and French words can be made. The manual will help foreign classical singers who try to perform Korean art songs to map the actual sounds of the provided IPA.

As the last procedure of the study, I have proposed practical examples and ways of the Korean art songs to be introduced. In the matter of it, 1) A Collection of Korean Famous Ga-gok, 2) A Collection of Korean Ga-gok by Composer, and 3) The Lyrics of the Korean Ga-gok with the I.P.A. and Translations Line by Line have been suggested.

It can be expected that more precise and accurate work sheet and manuals for Korean art songs to be understandable and performable based on the IPA which is the result of the study. In other words it can be expected that the manual would be useful for any music publishers interested in introducing Korean art songs to the world. I hope it plays a role to spread Korean culture through Korean art songs, so that the number of foreign classical singers interested in performing and studying Korean art songs would increase.

In conclusion, first, it is found that Korean Gagok needs to be internationalized for it is a hundred year history. Second, the study and the work of globalization for Korean Gagok is very urgent in this time. Third, it is found that marking the IPA along with the counterfeit words is more effective than IPA alone. Fourth, marking the lyrics of Korean Gagok with IPA, it needs to follow the rule of liaison. In order to distinguish the liaison of the consonants, it needs to put the mark of “-” on the score. But when the measure of marking the Lyrics of the Korean Ga-gok with the I.P.A. and Translations Line by Line is considered, bracket([ ]) is needed to put words phrase by phrase or line by line. Fifth, along with IPA symbols, broad translating each line of Korean lyrics into English is essential to be understandable.

As a researcher, I look forward to the day when Korean Ga-gok will be performed to the world by foreign classical singers in world renown concert halls. I believe that continuous efforts to find ways to help and accelerate the environment are needed. I hope the suggested ways that I have done through this study would be a cornerstone for Korean art songs to be worldwide known.
