전북지역 중국 유학생의 한국 김치에 대한 인지도, 기호도 및 만족도 조사 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27


本次论文探讨的目的旨在于针对韩国全罗北道地区的中国对韩国泡菜的认知度,喜爱度以及满意度进行了调查。本次调查共收集了400份问卷,韩语论文范文,其中男生197名,女生203名。调查问卷利用SPSS v.12.0统计软件做出了详细的略论。统计结果表明,95%的女学生和91%的男学生在来韩国之前,通过韩国电影和电视剧知道了韩国泡菜。其次,根据中国在韩国居住期间不同,对泡菜的认知度有了显著异同,具体统计结果如下,‘在营养方面泡菜是优等的健康食品’(p<0.05), ‘泡菜很好吃但很辣’(p<0.01), ‘因为泡菜的味道,所以很难入口’(p<0.05)。大约52%的女学生和44%的男学生每天摄取吃一次到两次泡菜。在泡菜的种类当中最受欢迎的是辣白菜。对‘白萝卜块儿’(p<0.05), ‘小白萝卜泡菜’(p<0.05), ‘小白萝卜叶泡菜’(p<0.05)的喜爱度女学生明显高于男学生。中国喜欢泡菜的理由是‘喜欢其爽口的味道’(44.8%),不喜欢的理由是‘吃不习惯’(28.7%)和‘不喜欢其酸味’(24.2%)。将来中国想继续摄取的泡菜有‘辣白菜’(2.38), ‘白萝卜块儿’(2.04), ‘腌黄瓜’(2.00)。将来想继续摄取‘白萝卜块儿’(p<0.05), ‘小白萝卜泡菜’(p<0.05), ‘小白萝卜叶泡菜’(p<0.05)的意愿女学生显著高于男学生。评价用泡菜做的菜肴满意度在普通以上的如下‘泡菜炒饭’(2.33), ‘泡菜紫菜包饭’(2.17), ‘泡菜汤’(2.00)。‘泡菜紫菜包饭’(p<0.05)和‘泡菜烙饼’(p<0.05)的满意度女学生显著高于男学生。中国约有一半回答说,跟泡菜类似的中国食物是‘酸菜’和‘榨菜’。85%的女学生和60%的男学生自己想体验做泡菜。在推广泡菜消费方面,韩语论文,中国的回答是‘没有腥味的’(36.0%), ‘刚刚腌制没发酵新鲜的泡菜’(34.5%), ‘不太酸的’(25.4%), ‘不太辣的’(25.4%)。因此,为了提高中国对泡菜的认知,我们需要把泡菜与中国传统食品的味道联系起来。

The study is being conducted to investigate the perceptions, preferences, and satisfaction of the Korean Kimchi by the chinese international students in Jeonbuk area. Self-administered questionnaires were collected from 197 male(48.9%) and 203 female(...

The study is being conducted to investigate the perceptions, preferences, and satisfaction of the Korean Kimchi by the chinese international students in Jeonbuk area. Self-administered questionnaires were collected from 197 male(48.9%) and 203 female(51.1%) students. Statistical data analysis is being completed using SPSS v.12.0. Approximately 95% of Chinese female and 91% of male students knew about Kimchi before coming to Korea through the Korean movies and dramas. The perceptions for Kimchi according to the residence period showed a significantly difference ‘Kimchi is a nutritious and health food’(p<0.05), ‘Kimchi has good taste but too hot to eat’(p<0.01), and ‘Kimchi is difficult to eat because of the smell’(p<0.05). Approximately 52% of Chinese female and 44% of male students consumed Kimchis once or twice a day. The most popular form of Kimchi among the varieties was Beachu Kimchi. Chinese female students preferred the ‘Kkakdugi’(p<0.05), ‘Chonggak Kimchi’(p<0.05), and ‘Young radish Kimchi’(p<0.05) more than the male students. The most liked reason was the ‘refreshing taste’(44.8%) whereas the most disliked reasons were ‘unfamiliar with eating Kimchi’(28.7%) and ‘sour taste’(24.2%). Chinese students wanted to intake in the future to continue ‘Baechu Kimchi’(2.38), ‘Kkakdugi’(2.04), and ‘Cucumber Kimchi’(2.00). Chinese female students wanted to intake in the future ‘Kkakdugi’(p<0.05), ‘Chonggak Kimchi’(p<0.05), ‘Young radish Kimchi’(p<0.05) more than the male students. Satisfaction for Kimchi used dishes was ‘Kimchi bokkeumbap’(2.33), ‘Kimchi kimbap’(2.17), ‘Kimchi guk’(2.00) usually found more satisfaction. The satisfaction of ‘Kimchi kimbap’(p<0.05) and ‘Kimchi jeon’(p<0.05) of Chinese female students significantly higher than that of Chinese the male students. About half of Chinese students responded that the similar Chinese food with Kimchi was ‘suan cai’ and ‘zha cai’. Approximately 85% of Chinese female and 60% of male students would like to experience making Kimchis by themselves. Extended Kimchi consumptions for Chinese answered ‘not too fish-like smell’(36.0%), ‘not too overly-ripe’(34.5%), ‘not too sour’(25.4%), and ‘not too hot’(25.4%). Therefore in order to improve the awareness for Kimchi among Chinese students, we need to relate Kimchi with the taste of Chinese traditional foods.
