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중도입국청소년을 위한 한국어 교육과정 설계 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Nowadays, the education of the immigrant youth in multi-cultural society is considered as a new learner subject. The meaning of the immigrant youth is second married immigrants’ adolescence children who was born and raised in their own country. Ther...

Nowadays, the education of the immigrant youth in multi-cultural society is considered as a new learner subject. The meaning of the immigrant youth is second married immigrants’ adolescence children who was born and raised in their own country. Therefore, they need an appropriate educational support of their demand and characteristics.
The problems of current Korean language curriculum for the immigrant youth is mostly not learners' needs but teachers' intuition and experiences have played a leading role in decision-making of curriculum, and objective setting, designing teaching materials, methods, and evaluation have not been considered in a whole framework of curriculum design. It is nearly impossible to expect educational effectiveness and achievement without systematic curriculum. Therefore it is needed to develope a curriculum which is suitable and adequate for the immigrant youth's needs and characteristics.
The purpose of this study for designing Korean language education curriculum by analyzing characteristics and requirements of Korean language education for the immigrant youth and suggesting an example curriculum of Korean language education.
The chapter 1 presents a need, a purpose of this study and also a research method of the study after exploring previous research.
The chapter 2 pertains to the characteristics of immigrant youth followed by a study of their identities and backgrounds and analyze the Korean educational system in order to examine a Korean language educational system for immigrant youth.
The chapter 3 shows the process of the research in need through a survey to investigate the requirements of Korean language education in immigrant youth. The sample are consist of seventy-five immigrant youths and ten Korean teachers in Rainbow School in Seoul, Suwon and Incheon. As a results of this survey, immigrant youth's needs of communicative situations and functions have been interpreted, and their language proficiency level and language difficulties and preference of learning style have been found. Also responders' demographical data and general needs could be used as fundamental resources for curriculum design.
The chapter 4 sets an example curriculum for Korean language education is proposed based on the findings and suggestions in the previous chapter.
Lastly, the chapter 5 ends this study with reviews the results and limitation of this study. To apply the results of this study to teaching Korean in actual classrooms environments, the assessment of the efficiency should be implement in the future. In addition, it should be developed Korean textbook for immigrant youths.
